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A/N I lost my entire chapter 8 I was 2300 plus words in when I lost it all and had to rewrite it. I was also halfway through this chapter when I decided it was going to be about mewberty it was going to be about Marco recovering for his injuries but then I thought *why don't I make this about mewberty?* man I just want to die like I was so far in I was almost done with it sorry everyone this chapter will be a day late.

The blind mistress

Chapter 8


Marco woke up and tried to sit up but he felt pain shoot through his body. Star woke up from Marcos's sudden shift in pain. "You ok Marco?" Star asked "no I can barely move" star sat up and helped Marco sit up on the bed. "I wish we didn't have school today, but I can't mess up my perfect attendance," Marco said trying to get up to change but star stopped him from getting up. "Marco your hurt let me help you get ready." Star walked over to Marcos's closet and grabbed one of his normal outfits.

She walked back over to Marco "lift your arms" star ordered Marco did as she said and lifted his arms she slid the hoodie over his frame one arm at a time blushing the entire time. "Sorry star I keep taking advantage of your kindness ill have to repay you when I feel better." Marco blushed at the sudden confession this didn't faze star though she picked up a pair of his pants knowing what she had to do next. "Star you don't have to do that if it makes you uncomfortable".

Star turned to face Marco her face as red as a tomato. "Marco your hurt just let me help you and it doesn't make me uncomfortable I kinda want to of I'm honest." She helped Marco stand up she then slide the pants Marco was currently wearing down he quickly stepped out of them and into the new ones. She quickly slide the new pair up and he did the zipper and button she then grabbed her wand from the nightstand and changed in to her usual black and white outfit but this time her boots were red in color rest of her outfit was the same with her black devil horns her white dress with the black cat.

Marco led Star downstairs in the kitchen was his mother cooking and his dad was already sitting with a newspaper. Marco and star sat in their seats and started to eat. "So Marco I hear you are hurt," his dad said not looking up from his newspaper "umm yeah I am" Marco continued to eat "can I see it?" Marco looked up at his dad who was looking right at him "sure you can" Marco stood up and went over to the side his dad was sitting on and lifted his hoodie up to show his dad all the scars he had earned from so many fight his dads eyes went wide at the sight of his sons chest there was many small scars and one huge one on his left side it stretch from his front all the way to his back.

"Marco try not to exert your self at school alright?" His dad had concern in his voice. "I will try," Marco said sitting back down to finish eating. After they got done eating they headed out to catch the bus. When they got to school they sat together at breakfast and when the bell rang they headed to their first class. They sat down in their seats and Miss Skullnick walked in "hello class welcome back how was everyone's weekend?" She asked sitting at her desk everyone responded good but Marco and star didn't say anything. Then she started the lesson.

(After class I'm lazy) they were walking down the hall hand in hand and was approached by Ferguson and Alfonzo "hey you two how was your weekend?" Alfonzo asked looking at the two and then looked at their hands. "Yeah our weekend was super fun," Ferguson said also looking at their hand star answered their question for Marco "sorry guys we don't want to talk about our weekend" Marco looked at the two then he walked away dragging star with him. "Marco that was rude" star scolded him "sorry I think I'm going to start going in to shock, I need to find somewhere to sit" Marco huffed through heavy breaths. He headed to a bench nearby and sat down on it. "You ok?" Star asked concerned for him "I'm fine I just need to rest a little" Marco responded trying to ease star's concern for him.

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