Chapter 1

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Harry sighed, telling people their future was fun, for the first five years. But then after he started seeing their deaths and the torture they went through mentally, he was just about done.
"You shall find your true love at 24, have your first child at 26, and you shall die at 86 having lived a full life and have met your first grandkid. Your love will die a year after." The lady smiled and payed the $5 that was the fee.
"Thank you young man, have a nice day." Harry wasn't allowed to speak except for when he was giving the fortune. So he nodded and escorted her out.
"BOY! WE HAVE ANOTHER CUSTOMER!" Harry went back in and was met with a boy with silver eyes and platinum blond hair entered.
"Look Father, he might actually tell us something important." Harry gestured to him to sit and he did, he grabbed his hand and spoke, "Your name is Draco Malfoy, you have a special force some others have that make you separate from other people, you will find love at 14 w-with, I'm not saying that that's too weird," he mumbled that last sentence and kept telling his fortune, "You will be gravely injured at 15 and your love will help heal you and you two will stay together until your deaths at 90 at the same time and day." Harry's voice gave out and he gave Draco his hand back and held his out for his payment. Draco gave him a galleon and Harry looked confused. 'What's this?' He wrote, 'I need a five dollar bill, not whatever this is.' Draco blushes and said, "I thought you were a wizard? That's why you're a seer right?" Harry looked confused and Vernon and Petunia forced them out yelling about how they're freaks and magic is false, "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT HORRID WORD IN FRONT OF US!" Harry just looked to the ground, confused.
'Didn't they die in a car crash?' Petunia looked at him, "It was staged. They were horrid creatures that deserved to be murdered!" Harry silently cried, wondering what his parents did that was so bad they were murdered.
Draco looked torn, he'd just uprooted this boys entire life.
Lucius payed the money and left.
"Draco, that is why muggles aren't told about magic unless a member is magic. And usually then we erase the parents mind and make them think Hogwarts is a boarding school for their intelligent child. That is what the Dark Lord was trying to do and Enforce before Hadrian Potter killed him."
Draco just nodded and thought of the cute boy that was telling the future. "Father, I think he might actually be a wizard. Remember the fact he was accurate about my name and I never told him it. And he could sense the fact I was a wizard." Lucius nodded, "We shall talk to the family soon, I assume the boy is almost 11, he seemed to only be able to talk when he was telling your future."
The duo left and Harry started telling the future of others.
Both worried about the small boy who's world was messed up.
Word count- 536

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