Chapter 2

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The two men had checked the shop for weeks, it was closed every time they checked. "Father, did we cause this?" Lucius looked at the boy, "Draco, I can not lie," he sighed, "there is a possibility we did cause this." Draco was heartbroken. "So I caused that boy suffering?" 

That made Lucius's heart drop, "No Draco, no. That boy is just in a bad situation."


Harry was covered in bandages, the Dursleys didn't show him any mercy that time. He'd asked a question, something he shouldn't have done, but who could blame him?

 Fate was cruel to the boy, give him a gift, ruin his family, and never allow him to speak unless it's to spout off the future. He'd never spoken a single word that didn't have to do with someone's future or someone's past. Everyday, he'd give Dudley and Vernon new info on their futures, Dudley would get a wife at 28, much to Harry's shock, and Vernon would be living well off by age 60. 

Petunia didn't want to know because she was terrified to know how she'd die. Petunia was perfectly happy to not know what her future would hold, she wanted to live in the moment.

A woman with unruly red hair and a small boy with red hair and a face full of freckles entered and the woman and boy had to hide their gasps of shock at the completely bandaged boy,  Harry held out his hand to the woman but she gestured to her son, 

"Not me, him. Just how this year will go." Harry nodded at the request, it was very specific but he was used to that. "Your name is Ronald Billus Weasley, Your first year will start by meeting someone, in your culture, important and becoming acquainted, their name, huh? M-me?! Um, y-you'll meet Harry Potter, and a boy named Draco Malfoy, Odd he was in here last month, along with a girl you won't like named Hermione Granger, you'll get into some trouble with the Important person, and you'll be slightly injured. Would you like more?" 

The boy and his mum looked shocked and the boy shook his head, 

"N-no th-thank y-you!" Then the mum spoke, "I changed my mind, I'd like my fortune read too. Just this next year too."

Harry nodded once again and took her hand, "Molly Weasley, wife to Arthur Weasley, and mother to many. You're kind and sweet, you'll go through some heartache later in the year and shall meet the Important boy that your son shall meet but not under the same circumstances, you shall meet him when you go to check on your injured youngest son. Your daughter will ask for information when you meet him, but it is up to you if you do or not, I cannot tell you that far, it is still undecided." 

Harry sat back in his 'bed' and groaned, Telling more then one fortune at a time gave him a headache. He looked  at the small cracked watch that his cousin Dudley had slipped to him when they were younger,  it had just became his birthday Harry gave himself a small smile, he tried to speak once again, nothing came out.

'Happy birthday to me.' He mentally sighed, 'Will I ever be able to speak?' Harry wasn't able to tell his own future, that always made him sad, he wanted to be able to see if he could ever speak. But with the current way things were going, he doubted it. 

He was startled out of his thoughts by a giant 'SLAM' of the door. He jumped out of his cupboard and went to open the door, he held up a slip of paper asking, 'Yes?' The giant man didn't seem to notice it so he asked the boy,

"'Ave ye seen a lad nam'd 'Arry Potter?" Harry pointed to himself, and wrote quickly and waved his hand in the mans face, 'I'm Harry, is there anything you need? I don't read futures or Pasts unless I'm at the shop, sorry.'  The man looked shocked, "No, im 'ere ter deliver yer letter. 'appy birthday, by da way." Harry took the letter and read it, he was accepted into the same school as those boys were! 'That means....." he blushed when the thought of Draco's future, Harry nodded vigorously, he wanted to go to this school! 

Suddenly, a large beefy hand pulled him back and Harry gasped in shock, a little noise of surprise coming out of his mouth, making him happy, that was the first noise he made, ever! Vernon aimed a shot at Hagrid, "Who're you and what'd ya want with the boy!" Hagrid pointed his pink umbrella at Vernon and said, "Takin 'im to 'ogwarts ter get 'im an education!" Harry tapped Vernon's arm and he read it,"'It could help me get my fortune telling skills better', I suppose it could, but he's coming back only when necessary! Around winter the need for fortune tellers closes up so we don't need the brat then."

Hagrid was stupefied but ignored it and took Harry away, "Grab yer things an we'll go. Train leaves in a week." 

Harry just nodded and blindly followed the giant away, startled at how quickly his life was changing once again.

Ok, so in my next chapter is going to be where the three boys meet up once again, and then after that is when the first year starts.

Word count- 904

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