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This story contains extremely dark and mature themes (including descriptive gore, insanity, depressive thoughts, and more-).

If you have a sensitive stomach, or are triggered easily, I don't recommend reading this fan-fiction. Go read another one, if you're just here for gooey romantic shit. 

If you're here, however, for a good horror/romance story, with an accurate portrayal of these characters, keep reading!-))

(Y/N) = Your name

(F/N) = Friend name

(N/N) = Nickname

You can probably figure out the rest-

You sat in your car, listening to the radio at a high level. The audio was static-y, but you didn't mind...

At least it drowned out the sound of your self-pitying sniffles.

You stare at the road in front of you as you cried softly to yourself, your hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly that your knuckles were turning white.

Why were you crying?

Simple, your abusive ex-boyfriend had somehow coaxed your friend- (F/N)- into being in a relationship with him.

Even though she was the one who'd convinced you to break up with him in the first place. Most people would have immediately left the "friend's" street once they saw them kiss, but not you.

Instead, you sat in your car that you'd parked across the street from her house and cried softly. The quality of the signal seemed to progressively get worse as you wept, and the white noise from the radio got more evident as the seconds ticked by.

After a bit, you had to turn it off because the sound ended up upsetting you further, and you sat in your silent car shaking.

...That was when you noticed him. He kind of looked Korean, and was rather buff. His skin almost seemed grey, and you could of sworn that you were hallucinating because of the red and blue hues that surrounded him. He wore a white suit and a red tie, which contrasted the traditional black blazer and slacks that you usually saw people wear.

He was slowly walking across the street, and he suddenly stopped. This man slowly raised his gaze and made eye-contact with you. At this moment, you felt a shiver run down your spine at his sickeningly dark eyes. It was probably a trick of the light, but his eyes looked completely black. The strange man just stood there, in the middle of the street, staring into your eyes.

Somehow, you realized that you had mascara streaming down your face, and you broke the staring contest and stared at your hands in your lap. 

...even though he had a strange air about him, you couldn't deny that the man was extremely  attractive. He seemed unnaturally elegant, despite the slight scruff on his face-

There was suddenly a knock on your window, and you jump slightly in surprise. Your eyes shoot up to the glass, and sure enough, on the other side of the window, was the man. Okay, definite drug trip aesthetic. You thought that crying for two hours must have done something to your vision, The red and blue hues were increasingly evident, and everything else looked colorless and grey.

You bite your lip softly and slowly roll the window down, and narrow your eyes a bit.

This guy had...eye-liner on. Um, okay- maybe he was an actor, or something?

"Hello, (Y/N)-" he said in a cool, deep voice. It sounded like there was an echo, which only accomplished to confuse you further. Maybe this was all a disturbing dream- 

"I am correct in assuming that you are (Y/N), right?"

You flinch out of your thoughts, staring at the man. "I-I, uh...yeah-" you stammer.

The man's lips curl into a sinister smile, and he tilts his head slightly. "Good... I've been looking for you, darling-" he purrs, resting a hand on one of your cheeks. It was cold, and calloused, and somehow made you extremely uncomfortable.

Why wouldn't it make you uncomfortable? You didn't even know this man's name, and he was caressing you! You pull away from his touch, your heart racing wildly in fear. Your heightened anxiety seemed to amuse this man, and he chuckles softly, gently poking the tip of your nose with his index finger.

"Wh...who are you?" you manage to ask, obviously not comfortable with this random man touching your face. 

"You know who I am, (Y/N)," he states promptly, his voice suddenly serious. "Don't act as if you've never seen me before."

"No," you snap, suddenly extremely irritated. The echo in his voice was starting to piss you off, and now there was a faint ringing in your head. "What is your name, sir?" 

He laughs at your tone, obviously not intimidated. How would he be scared of such a weakling? ...what? You weren't used to thinking of yourself as weak, but now you were insulting yourself. What the hell? And that ringing, it felt as if it was in the pit of your brain.

"Ach, what the fuck...?" you hissed, shaking your head violently. The man chuckles lowly and cocks his head to the side with an almost inhuman crack coming from his neck. 

"Don't act as if you're enjoying these games,. (Y/N)..." he says, his sickeningly calm voice echoing in your brain and intensifying the high pitched ringing. "Don't lie to yourself... Don't lie to m̴̟̥͚̖̲̦̘̗͙͙̰͐̋͋̈́̑͜ȩ̷̻̼͚̜̪͖́̏̎̍͘ͅ ."

You cry out at the sharp pain in your gut, and it feels almost as extreme as a gunshot wound.

After squeezing your eyes shut, the booming sound of a pistol going off echoes in your mind, the ringing now faint and unimportant.

You open your eyes again and look at your hands, which you had clamped to the pain in your stomach. They were covered in blood.

...your blood. You look up at the man who'd attacked you, and he had an extremely shocked look in his brown eyes. Suddenly you're falling backwards, and the man is stretching his hand out in a desperate attempt to catch you. He fails though, and you continue your plummet to the ground. You hear his words, but they sound slow and echo in your ears as the ringing overtakes your senses again. 

" I t w a s a n a c c i d e n t . . . ! "

You open your eyes again, and you're back in the car, with the strange man in the corner of your vision. 
"...what the hell was that?" you whisper, your voice breaking. It wasn't until that moment that you realized tears were streaming down your face again.

"That was one of your memories, my little monster-" he utters, staring at you and brushing a strand of hair away from your face. You jerk away from his touch, resentment boiling in your stomach. 

What kind of person would make you see something like that?! Come to think of it... how did he make you see that? What was going on with your vision, and where was that unceasing ringing coming from? 

...was this man even human?

I apologize for the short chapter, but I just thought it would be best to leave our little story here for the moment. I was slightly inspired by another fan-fiction, but I am going to try my hardest to avoid copying anything directly from it, including plot lines and such. 
If you have any requests for the plot of the story, message me privately on either here or on my Quotev account, where I will also be posting chapters for this story.

Thank you so much!!

Meulin xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2019 ⏰

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