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This storie is about a small town guessed it 'Riverdale', but to be more specific, it is about 6 people who's life's changed completedly. First we have Betty 'Elizabeth' Cooper. The so called 'perfect girl next-door', exept from the fact that she is far from perfect. She has a secret what changed her life and brought everyone is was close too in danger. Once she had a best friend: Forsyth Pendelton Jones the III aka Jughead Jones. As kids they were always together, everyone thought they would end up together. But that all changed when Betty told Jughead her secret, he said she was a monster and never spoke too her again. Betty was heartbroken, she always liked Jughead, but after that day she realised, she could never ever trust someone again. Her so called mother was never there for Betty and had the same thoughts about her as Jughead. Would she ever fined someone who could love her for who she was...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

The second person is Veronica Lodge, she has moved to Riverdale to leave her rich bitch times in New York. She became instantly best friends with Betty, but always knew she kept a secrect for her, who soon would be reveald......                                                                                                                                     

Last but not least, not one, but two persons, but let's start with Cheryl Marjorie Blossom. She is best friends with Betty and never talked with her cousin Jughead (you didn't expect that did you lol) again after he hurt her. Jughead was like a second brother to her, but that did not hold her back for cutting al her ties with Jughead.

Jason Blossom, he is the twin brother of Cheryl. The two of them are super close and he is friends with Betty. After the whole Betty and Jughead situation Jason did stay in touch with Jughead. He found out why Jughead reacted and thougt that he was a complete idiot, but understood that he was in shock but didn't mean it. Jason had incourage him to talk to her but he never got the confidence to do it. Jughead always liked Betty, hell he even loved her, but he didn't want to cause anymore pain..........                                                                                                                                                                        

Heyyy, sooo this is my first story, I am sorry for the grammer and spelling mistakes, I am Dutch so I am not very good at it, anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it ; )

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