Chapter 3 🔥

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As you fell you could feel the horrid, scorching flames consuming you, every inch of your wings you could feel them slowly decaying, rippling and dissolving away it burned, it burned like you were dying a second time, and the first already wasn't pleasant.
You used the last of your remaining strength and flapped your wings  as much as you could while wincing in pain. Once you somewhat softly hit the floor you pushed the pain away looking at your wings you were horrified at the sight!.
The edges were completely burnt to a crisp, it had an orange tinge to them now.
They looked grey, and ashy now not the beautiful white that they had used to be.
You frowned, you hugged your knees about to cry when you noticed something very strange, everyone around you...they-they looked like monsters. This terrified you, but you also noticed that they looked similar to animals and if a punishment...for their crimes in the before life.
Maybe to reveal the way they died?.
A tall, muscular dark red guy-or demon walked up to you with an angry face.
"Hey you! I saw you fall from the sky! Your wings I saw them Change! Your not supposed to be here are you? Your an angel aren't you?!."
Scared for your life you did what you had to to hopefully survive, lie.
"No, I am not an angel, I was ran over by a truck...they gave me this ratchet bug look, I'm a butterfly. My rings were burnt on the way down as a punishment for the crimes I had done when I was alive."
He looked at you with suspicious in his eyes.
"Alright fine, I'll believe you this time but you better watch yourself if your an angel in disguise I'll know, we'll all know."
You gulped.
A red glove emerged in front of your face
You looked up to see a new, different demon with old fashioned clothes, and a cane with a radio on the top.
He had bright fluffy red and black hair, his eyes had such an evil in them, you could sense it but he had a smile of an innocent child.
"Why hello my dear, so what's this about being an angel? Fallen perhaps?."
Your eyes went wide.
* was it that obvious *
" I'm a butterfly."
His smile widened.
"Of course you are my dear, I'll keep your dirty little secret between ourselves, I'll even protect you if-
"If what?."
"If you agree to tell me all about heaven. My name's Alastor by the way."

Gold Turned Black ~ Alastor x Reader Where stories live. Discover now