Kidnapping (chapter 4)

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An hour later your pov

I woke up and didn't see anyone not even arcanine I get up looked around and still couldn't find them I went back to the spot they still weren't there


Everything went black

Narrator's pov

Giovanni knocked his daughter out and picked her up then walked to his base. At his base he threw her in a cell with her friends their pokemon was in another cell

Ash's pov

Me: hey wake up

She didn't wake up which made me feel sad

Giovanni: how much do you love your pokemon

Me: a lot

Serena: the same as Ash

He smiled evilly and pushed a button we looked left and saw all our pokemon in one cell even the ones that like their pokeball

Giovanni: now you will listen to me or they're dead

Me and Serena nod sadly

Your pov

I woke up in a familiar jail cell I look back and saw dad then looked left and saw our pokemon

Dad: ah you're awake

Me: what are we doing here

Dad: if you don't listen to me your pokemon are dead

I could feel tears roll down my face

Me: you're so crazy

Dad: hush

Ash hugs me dad leaves then I started to cry on Ash's shoulder

Ash: let's make a deal whatever he says we will do it

Serena: ok

I nod still crying

Ash: don't worry I won't let any of our pokemon die

Me: my father isn't the most reliable person so he can still kill our pokemon even if we did everything he says

Ash: if he tries to kill our pokemon I'll stop him

I look at our pokemon and place my hand on the glass ending the hug with Ash arcanine puts his nose on the glass where my hand is we heard my dad come down I take my hand off the glass and arcanine takes his nose off the glass

Dad: now y/n let's go for a hot air balloon ride

I tilt my head

Brain: does he know my secret

I get up and followed him he gets in the balloon first then I did then Jessie did she started going really high

Dad: now look down

Brain: he does know

I look down and instantly start shaking I could hear my father laughing I felt sick and dizzy on the verge of fainting she lowers the balloon so we could get out once I got out he pushed me down to the cell then throwing me in there. Once I get thrown in the cell I layed down feeling sick and dizzy but mostly dizzy

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