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So, we finally put up our Christmas tree a few days ago!
(Face reveal too)

So, we finally put up our Christmas tree a few days ago!(Face reveal too)

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My mom, dad, and little brother in front of the tree.

My mom, dad, and little brother in front of the tree

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Group selfie!!😄

I'm so excited for Christmas! How about you guys?

Also, I made a new OC.
She doesn't quite have a name yet, but she's an angel cast from the Allspark because of her carrier's (mother's) sins. Most angel's armor and wings are pure white, but my OC does not.

 Most angel's armor and wings are pure white, but my OC does not

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(No the picture's not sideways)
She's brown and pinkish-white. Quite fiesty, likes to break rules and has a temper. Sometimes though, she likes to just be alone so she can think about things only she can think about. She has odd waves of depression, and has nearly committed suicide more than once, but remembers she has friends who need her and will miss her if she dies.
So she has always stopped herself.

I hope you enjoyed this OC, and if you have any name ideas please tell me.😄
Thanks a lot!.
Lots of love,

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