Akiri and Rune

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After many years of peace between Katolis and Xadia, Callum and Rayla finally got married. They moved into the west wing of the castle and were quite content with their lives until something unexpected happened...

Kingdom of Katolis

"Shh, you're okay, you're okay." Callum said soothingly while rubbing his wife's back. Rayla on the other hand was emptying her stomach in the bathroom. She had been pretty sick for the past few weeks, mainly in the morning. After she finished, she sat on the floor as her husband held her in his arms. After a while Callum picked her up and carried her to the bed and placed her down gently before telling her stay there. "Callum, as much as I love you, you really annoy me. I'm fine I can get up." "No Ray, stay here, I'll be back in a minute." Callum proceeded to briskly rush out of the room. Rayla just rolled her eyes and stared at the ceiling. After a few minutes Callum returned with one of the royal nurses. She walked over to Rayla and gave her a thorough check up. Once finished she had a bright smile on her face. She stepped back and looked at the confused couple. "Congratulations, you're going to be parents!" Rayla's jaw dropped and Callum grinned. As they turned to one another Callum spoke, "Oh my gosh, Rayla, we are going to be parents! Can you believe it?" "No, I can't believe it. How is it possible, you're a human, I'm an elf. What will the child be? Plus I'm not fit to be a mother, I was raised to be an assassin, not a parent!" Rayla cried out exasperated. The nurse realized that the couple needed to talk alone so she excused herself from the room. Callum walked over to his wife and simply sat next to her. He looked her right in the eyes and said, "You'll be the best mother in the world, because you are the best person in the world. And because of that reason I'm beyond excited for us to have a family." Rayla looked at her husband, his whole silly, handsome self, and smiled. "Ok, if you think I'll be a good mother, then I too am very excited for this baby.

7 months till the baby

"Callum, for the last time, I'm the mother, and I say it's going to be a boy." Callum scrunched up his face. "Nope, it'll be a girl." "Boy." "Girl." "BOY." GIRL." "BOY!" "GIRL!" "Ugh, Callum, fine you can say it's a girl, but when it's a boy I get to say I told you so." "Callum smirked. "Deal."

4 months till the baby

Rayla had her hand resting on the nice baby bump that was attached to her stomach. Callum was almost falling of the ladder that was placed above a bassinet as he tried to hang a baby mobile they had made. "A little more tot the left honey. No, no the other left. Ok back a little bit. Nope forward another inch, wait, ba- there! Perfect." Rayla enjoyed messing with poor man trying to please her. "Ugh, ok, I'm coming down." As Callum was safely back on the floor the couple looked at the small animals that hung gently from the ceiling. There were, dragons, dogs, cats, glowtoads, and other Xadian creatures. In the bassinet however, there were hand made toys that resembled adoraburrs. The couple smiled at the completed room. "Perfect." "Yes, absolutely perfect."

2 months till the baby

"So, we know what we will name it if it's a girl," "Yes Callum, we decided on Akiri." "Ok, so what about if it's a boy?" "Well I wanted to name him after a loved one, but I don't know who..." "Um, let's see we could name him after My dad, your dad, your adoptive dad's or Ezran." Rayla thought about the list, then snapped her fingers. "I got it, we could take Runaan's name and shorten it; his name could be Rune." Callum smiled. "Yes, Rune is perfect!"

0 months till the baby

The couple was fast asleep, curled up in their bed when Rayla woke up suddenly, clutching her stomach in pain. "Ah! Callum," she cried out, "Callum, the baby's coming!" The boy shot up and immediately ran out the door, returning moments later with a team of doctors and nurses. One nurse ushered Callum out the door and told him to sit on the bench in the hall. Despite his protests the door was shut in his face. He could hear Rayla crying out every few minutes and it nearly broke Callum as he could do nothing to help her. 20 minutes went by, then 30, though it felt like an eternity.
Eventually the brown haired boy heard the lead doctor say it was time to push. Callum's heart rate spiked as he listened to his wife's screams all while tapping his foot just outside the door. It was five minutes later when the most unexpected news rang out front the room. At first Callum heard the cry of a baby, then the shouting of "Oh my god there's a second one!" 10 minutes of screaming, crying and nurses chattering latter had made Callum on the verge of passing out, but that all went away as the nurses opened the door. There was Rayla, tired and sweaty, but smiling, holding two small bundles in her arms. As Callum approached he was at a loss for words. As he stood at the bedside, Rayla handed him one of the babies. "We were both right, there's a boy and a girl." Callum smiled, and looked at the little infant in his arms. "Which one is this angel?" "That's Akiri, and I'm holding Rune."
Both twins had one green eye, and one lavender eye, though they were opposites. Akiri had brown tuffs of hair with two small horns, and two little purple cheek marks where as Rune had grayish white tuffs, no horns and no facial markings. The couple sat there holding their new children, feeling euphoric as the sun began to rise on a new day, full of new beginnings.


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