Chapter 1 - pilot

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*beep beep beep...beep beep beep...beep be....... " gahhhh huuheyhh" I grumble from under my breath, I slowly crack my eyes open to see the bright morning sun shining down from my apartment window " god to early for this" I say with my rough morning voice. Its about 7 in the morning, about the time I normally get up. I slowly rise out of bed and stumble to the bathroom to shove my glasses on my
face and put my clothes on, i decided on my ripped skinny jeans and a black hoodie. I walked through the apartment pet my cat and walked out the door. "Just the man i was waiting for" emma said "haha, so funny" i say in a mocking tone. Emma is my best friend she knows EVERYTHING about me and my life, which now that i think about it...... thats kinda weird. But anyway we have been best friends since 7th grade and well ever since i came out to her, yah if didnt know already im... gay. "Wanna get some coffee" emma asked " sure, and emma you really
Need to work on that caffeine addiction its really not good for you" i said in a joking tone, we both looked at each other and just laughed. We got to Starbucks and right when opened that door the lovely smell off coffee over takes our senses "Welcome to Starbucks what would you like" the barista asks "hey, can I just get a caramel frap with extra caramel" I ask "same thing here"emma says "ok your total is 6.99" says the barista, I hand the money over paying for both of us, she gives me my change back and we wait. "You know you did not have to pay for my food" Emma says "well that's what friends are for,right" I say "yeah I guess your right" she says, we sat at our table until we hear " two caramel frappes with extra caramel for Tyler and Emma" the barista calls out "well that's our que" i say as we grab our drinks and head of to school. (Time skip, in the car)" Hurricane Joshua is in the Gulf of Mexico heading towards North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida so far as of right now North Carolina is the biggest impact point, the most damage would be in any of these places, maidsville, Northchire and Boldburg, Hurricane Joshua is about 3 days out, make sure you page plenty of supply's possibly for a weeks worth with no power" the weather man said over the radio " oh shit, Northchire that's where we live" I say in a slight panicked voice " yeah thy been talking about this storm for the past couple days, they say it's gonna be catastrophic" Emma says " catastrophic, Emma are you feeling allright" I say in a very serious tone " uhh yeah why" Emma says " well that's just such a big word for you" I say laughing " yeah yeah shut up"Emma says (Time skip, *in school parking lot*)

Hey thanks for reading
Ps sorry for such a short chapter!!
*Happy reading*

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