Chapter 2 - first sight

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*beep beep* as I locked my car, me and Emma head off towards school. "God I know it's been a few weeks since school started but it still feels like the first day" Emma says whining " yeah I know" I say agreeing with her. Me and Emma walk through the big double doors and enter hell "let just make the best of today" I say trying to sound hopeful but really just dreading today (time skip, In first period/ class) "ok class open your books to page 20, Jake will you read the first paragraph out loud" Mrs lodley asks "yeah" jake says, Jake Ellis star Quarterback for our school, EVERYONE adores him "thanks Jake" Mrs lodley says. as class is going by i started noticing somthing why is Jake Ellis staring at me... of all people ME! My stomach sank, I was freaking out and didn't know what to think "so class if you didn't know we have a camping trip in two weeks and Tyler will you pass out the forms" the teacher said " sure" I say 1 by 1 I started handing out papers starting with Emma and ended with... JAKE.
I finished and handed the extra forms to Mrs lodley .
When I sat down I started thinking... why would he want to look at me, whats the reason, does he not like the fact that I'm gay, maybe he likes me... nah... and well I can not tell Emma yet she will freak, she is just that type of person! all these things were running through my head and all of a sudden the bell rings...

Most of my classes fly by pretty fast and as I know it's lunch.
"Hey gurl" emma says laughing "hey" i say as I'm messing with my food " what's wrong, what happened, who did somthing to you, I'll beat their ass" Emma says as she throws her plate down on the table " Emma I'm fine I just have a lot on my mind" I say as I'm twirling my fork in my spaghetti " girl you better not be lying to me" she says...( time skip, end of lunch) "I'm full" I say and Emma nods her head we get up throw our plates away and head to the band room to hang out " Tyler if somethings wrong you can tell me" Emma says " I said I'm fine Emma don't worry" I say starting to get frustrated " ok, ok" Emma says backing off.

My next few classes pass by pretty slow but I survive through them. *ring...* " that's the bell, leave" our color guard captain says. Finally I can go home, I grab my keys out of my bag and head to the car, as I'm starting my car dark storm clouds roll in " well shit this hurricane is actually hitting soon" I say as I'm starting to pull out of the school parking lot. (Time skip, at home)

I make it home, I open my apartment door throw my keys on the counter close my door and lay on my bed.
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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