27 にじゅうなな

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haechan's eyes fluttered open the next morning, and he winced as he stretched silently under the duvet. his head felt hazy and his body ached in... unexpected places.

with his sudden reminiscing of his memories from the night prior, he shot up and made the blanket fall off his naked shoulder. he looked around and frowned as there was no mark lying next to him.

"oh, god..." he mumbled to himself as he rubbed his eyes before he grabbed the inside of his thighs. "i shouldn't have lied to him... he really did go too hard on me..."

he leaned over to the bedside table and grabbed his phone. he texted mark in a blurred hurry.

to: markeu hyungeu
where are you? don't tell me you slept and fled ): [7:21 am]

he yawned and stretched his arms, and he winced at the sharp pain that shot through him from the bottom of his back. he groaned and shook his head, before a new surge of panic swept over him.

what if mark hyung left to bring johnny hyung here?

"shit," he hissed to himself, the word foreign on his tongue. he scrambled up and got onto his feet, not without a withdrawn whimper escaping his lips. "why the hell does it hurt so much?! he really wasn't even nice about it..."

he waddled to the kitchen bench in his boxers only, and he reached up to grab the pharmaceutical aspirin from the cupboards. he scowled at the limit of two tablets, before he made do and swallowed them with a full glass of water.

his stomach felt queasy and a hit of uneasiness shot through him, leaving him quivering with anxiety. he needed to pack everything up. he needed to leave.

although his grumpiness affected his getaway dearly, his slow progress did not deter him from his strong will to escape. he shoved all his belongings into his duffel and stood up, before he widened his eyes as someone knocked on the front door.

response-less and afraid, haechan inched towards the door, wishing there was a peephole for him to analyse who stood outside. he didn't want to call out to the person; if it were to be the motel staff, they'd call him out for his overdue bills, and he didn't want to fight about it. he'd act cute, ask for one more day. he didn't feel like going to the police station.

he gently opened the door, however he immediately tried to close it as he caught a glimpse of johnny. unfortunately, his futile strength had him stumbling back as the older shoved the door open and let himself in, with mark following pursuit.

"haechan," johnny spoke breathlessly, before he reached forward and engulfed the boy in a hug. "you've lost so much weight. you look so tired. are you okay? let me get you-"

"get off me," he demanded as he pushed his hyung off before he glared at the mark. "betrayal."

the man sighed as he shut the door and turned to them. "i'm doing what's right for you, haechan. please, just sit down."

"i can't, thanks to a little someone," he scowled, and johnny furrowed his eyebrows before he looked at mark. "what? what is he saying, mark? mark?"

"later," his gentle mutter brushed off the topic at hand as he made johnny sit. "seriously, you two need to talk."

"i don't-" haechan started, but a wave of nausea prohibited him from going any further. he quickly held his mouth, before he turned hurriedly away from the two men.

he ran to the bathroom, lifted up the toilet seat and heaved out an estranged liquid from his stomach into the bowl. he coughed and wiped at his mouth before he flushed.

"haechan!" johnny cried out as he ran in to caress the younger. mark watched, and he stood behind as he was forced to make a saline mixture in the kitchen. "do you have food poisoning? what happened?!"

"relax- i took medicine without eating, that's all. stop acting like you really care about me," the boy whispered and looked down as johnny's heart broke apart. "haechan... you really think i don't care about you?"

"not now, not now," mark interjected, forcing the cup of salt and water into the boy's hand. "drink."

the three stood in a warm silence, and the older two watched the youngest cough and splutter as he sipped on the medicinal drink with a frown.

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