Chapter One: Summertime Gala

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The sun had set only minutes ago and yet the streets of Mankarve are bright and bustling. Large lamps not lit by flame but rather by a bright Daylight spell to illuminate the Summer Solstice Festival. This festival is important to the entire country of Zanthorus as it is not only the longest day of the year but also the half way point and one of two times of the year all the Jarls and the High King come together to go over their accords and treaties. As expected though each Jarl has by their side two knights to protect them as well as a patrol wandering through the cities.
Among the knights is a cleric named Zachariah Althzar, a Human Male carrying a halberd in one hand and a shield of Tymaor in the other. During his patrol he gazed at the wonderful sights. Adults and children alike participating in games and contests, taverns handing out drinks for a fair price, and many masters of trade selling different objects on this festive night. Among the joy and laughter however Zachariah spotted something that made him feel uneasy. A figure outside of town had walked into the streets. Despite being rather tall this person was cloaked and attempting to sneak past the crowds. So long as the hooded figure didn't hurt anyone it should have been alright however they were heading toward the high Kings table. In a quick act Zachariah attempted to warn the guards with a flare. He raised his signal stone and before he could activate it a loud explosion erupted from the forest causing panic in the streets.
Dropping his signal Zachariah turned to see a blaze eating at the trees as a mighty wildfire grew up over the walls. And in the distance a group of bandits began their raid. Keeping his priorities straight Zachariah turned back to find not only is the cloaked figure gone but so were all the kings of the land. The illusion keeping them up had been taken down and the High King in his own castle escorted to safety. As Zachariah shrugged it off he turned back watching as many people ran into homes and steads to stay protected.
The knights on patrol have all readied their weapons for a quick battle. As the bandits approached a torrent of arrows hit them from the archers as well as some arcane streaks from the court wizards. Zachariah and his platoon stood guard and waited. Another flurry of arrows and magic flies by and with a fierce battle cry Zachariah ran in to the frey.
Coming into contact with his first opponent, he brings up his shield to block the first strike only to have another swing from a sword strike him in the back. Out of frustration Zachariah pulls his halberd back stabbing it through the leg of the bandit in front before backing away to assess the situation. Another two bandits join in only to be caught off guard by an anonymous cloaked form. Reaching around the hooded figure pulls the cloak off revealing an eight foot tall, silver scaled Dragonborn. The Dragonborn had only leather pants with a belt that had a carving of the head of a unicorn, a sign of the goddess of nature. Slung across his back was a large hammer and in his hand a swirling of magic energy before a knife of pure ice solidifies.
"Lovely evening isn't it." the Dragonborn speaks calmly as he throws the cold blade into the neck of the bandit behind Zachariah. "Pleasure to meet you. The name is Divirune Frostjaw."
"I'd say likewise but..." Zachariah is interrupted as he blocks another sword, jabbing his halberd into the side of his attacker. "These aren't the most ideal circumstances when making friends."
"Couldn't agree more." Divirune gives a nod sidestepping from an attack. The Dragonborn then grabs hold of the bandits breastplate as he casts Heat Metal turning the breastplate into a glowing red mass. The bandit let's out a scream mixed in with a sizzling sound as the surrounding fur bursts into flames.
"I will say thanks for the help though." Zachariah brings his halberd down like an axe cutting into the side of the bandits arm and holding him there through pain and fear. "This one stays alive. The others can be done with as you see fit"
Zachariah pulls out manacles as he cuffs the bandit and pulls him in. Though in agonizing pain the bandit complied as he sees he is the only one even remotely standing.
After tossing the bandit in a cell the royal guard encouraged the people that the threat was no more and that the festivities may begin. The people act restless but after mere moments the music kicks up and the people are jolly yet again.
"Does this happen every year?" Divirune asks while somewhat scaring the Human Cleric who had assumed Divirune left.
"Actually yeah. Bandits strike almost every year to try and get a crack at our king. Just last year we decided to make the Jarls eat in their palaces only created a group illusion to allow them to appear all around the country. I will say thank you. I'm grateful you were on our side. After all I was about to sound an alarm on you. Why sneak around like that if I may ask?"
Divirune smirks "Truth be told I don't trust the Jarl of Ginnjar. I heard from gatherers in the forest he'd be here and I just wanted to talk with him. To see if I could pry anything from him"
"Well meaning I was curious where he stands. I have reason to believe he wishes to go against the accords and wage war on other cities"
Zachariah shakes his head and chuckles softly "you honestly believe that?"
"That's the thing my friend. I just don't know"
As the night moves on no further bandit attacks, no more shady figures, all citizens partied through the festival quite merrily and before long the sun rose and a new day begins

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