Chapter 3: Trip to Ginnjar

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"So you're against the Jarl of Ginnjar because he isn't the rightful ruler?" Mason sat in his chair two legs up and leaning against the wall of the Cyclops Eye Tavern. "And you got this conclusion how exactly?"
Divirune looked between his two new companions with a serious look in his eye. "I know because I was the true Heir to the throne."
Mason and Zachariah look between each other then back at their Dragonborn companion. Zachariah pipes up "So that's why you were skulking around the festival. Forgive me but do you have any proof or anything that the Jarl is a fake? He's been at the throne for well over 10 years.
"Yes but it was my family that ruled before he. That back stabbing traitor tried to have me killed when he offed everyone else." Divirune grew quiet, staring off into his mug of ale with a thoughtless expression.
Minutes pass before Mason finally speaks up. "S-so ahem uh you need to recruit a thief and a soldier to break into your old home and take back the throne from this false king? I don't see much reason. If he's only human why not simply challenge him.
Divirune shakes his head. "Not that simple. He's used a form of mind control. Everyone in the city sees him as the true Jarl. Everyone outside the city only hears what he wants them to."
Zachariah nods "I've looked into it. Records show in one week almost eleven years ago that the Frostjaw Clan was all but slaughtered. Their remaining fortune and city going to an adviser if theirs who was reported absent from this massacre."
"So now I need a small team to break in and take my city back. Naturally you shall be compensated. Thief, your goal will be to help break us in. Preferable undetected of course. And Zachariah, care to explain your abilities?
"Of course" Zachariah nods as he begins his explanation. "I've practiced holy magics bestowed upon me by my goddess and wife. I'll be able to break these poor souls from their unfair bond to this man"
Mason chuckles and looks out the tavern window "So if I've got this right. You're a long lost royal cast from his home and you are married to a literal goddess?"
Divirune and Zachariah nod. The off duty soldier then glances to the Dragonborn. "Do you need anything else for this mission"
With his cape flowing in a soft breeze from a nearby window Divirune puts his hood on and stands. "Well the more the merrier. But I can make due with you two. Zachariah Althrez, Mason Jaharr, can I trust you two to help reclaim my kingdom?"
With a nod the other two stand and the trio leave. Mason goes into the Artisan district to say farewell to his parents. Zachariah goes to his wife Tymora and their two wonderful children to say his goodbyes. Before leaving to report to the High King, Tymora stops her husband to give him a good luck charm
"You stay safe darling. I expect you home soon." His wife smiles and pushes him out the door.
The small group of three come together. As they walk up the road Northeast towards Ginnjar the sun sets. Soldiers sweep the streets and prisoners clean up from the festival. The road is long and even with horses the team stops only three hours after leaving to camp.

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