Introduction Pt. 1

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- Jane -

I'll never forget that summer Daddy and I left to Africa, into the dense, rich, and boundless African jungle. Daddy was a professor, and recently his research had shifted from environmental sciences to wildlife preservation. He had always had a soft spot for the Gorillas, random I know, but don't worry, this will come to light soon. Let's backtrack a bit. Back until last summer. The beginning of July, in fact, the very first day. Which, fortunately, also happened to be on my 19th birthday.

"Janie, are you sure?"

Daddy asked, packing the last of my things from my now vacant dorm room. I glanced back at the campus. I had just finished my first year studying journalism at Oxford. One part of me couldn't wait to leave, fulfilling mother's dreams for me didn't turn out as I had pursued. And this year was certainly not everything I desired it would be. But rather, the other part of this trip to Africa...was I crazy?

"I'm certain daddy, besides, I already unenrolled from all my classes for next semester. We have to go now."

"Well, ok darling, "

Daddy stated wistfully getting into the cab, with one last glimpse, we pulled away from the college and steered towards our flat. I could distinguish the glint of sadness in his eyes, I knew he missed her. She had been gone for longer than I can recall and his grief was one I could never soften.

"Don't worry Daddy, soon we will be heading to the ship! It's your dream!"

At these words, his entire demeanor altered.

"Oh yes, Janie dear!"

He said sitting up straightening his collar and bow tie.

"We must finish packing at once, tomorrow is the day you know. Oh, I need to pack my binoculars, the Gorillas will be in the trees you know, or maybe in their nests, who knows?!"

My heart was full seeing him so enthusiastic. I too was passionate about wildlife, but Africa? Going all the way there by a boat?  That would drop us off and leave us there for two months? Was I bonkers? I glanced up to see Daddy already peering at me.

"Jane dear, I could tell your mother's every mood from those eyes, those same ocean eyes you have my girl. Don't worry, Clayton and I will be there to protect you."

Rolling my eyes I grinned his way.

"Daddy, Clayton couldn't save himself, let alone the both of us. If he's our protection, then we might as well stay here,"

"Jane darling, he has always thought fondly of you and who knows, you're 19 now.."


"I am just admitting, Janie, my beautiful girl is getting lovelier and more like her mother each day. I remember dropping you off to finishing school, you were the jewel out of the lot you were. And at your 16th birthday ball, oh Janey, you have always been the sun in my life."

"I know daddy, and I love you too, but Clayton really is an impossible man. I only communicate with him for you. Besides, if I do get married,  I'll have to abandon you. And we already agreed I would never leave you."

Just as I spoke, we had arrived at our house and much to my dismay, Clayton's car was parked out front.

"Welcome Ms. Porter, "

Our long-time family friend and butler, Charles, kindly aided me out of the car. I gleamed up at him, taking his gloved hand and stepping out of the car. Smoothing my pale pink dress down, I let my bonnet free feeling the sun kiss my skin.

"Careful, you might tan darling"

Clayton said strolling down my house's steps and lifting my bonnet back onto my head. Clayton's sensational green eyes and blonde hair had no impact on me, or so I informed myself. I whirled to confront his gaze.

"I can decide how much or little sun I'd like, thank you".

I said removing his hand from my head. Taking the opportunity, Clayton then held onto my hand.

"Feisty as always, Janie, "

"Don't call me Janie, or Darling, and let go of my hand. This is hardly adequate, daddy won't like it one bit"

Pulling my hand away, I positioned my arm conveniently into Charles' and let him escort me into the house.

"Tell me he's leaving"

I said looking towards Charles

"Ms. Porter you mean a great deal to me I cannot lie to you, he's walking quite briskly behind us. Should I say you have a fitting for some attire for the Jungle trip."

"Do I?"


"Ok tell him then, I'll see you for tea"

I said pausing to peck Charles' cheek before running up the stairs to my room.

"Will she be down soon?"

I heard Clayton ask Charles

"Afraid not my boy, you know women and their clothes"

- Clayton -

I watched as the pale pink gown Jane had been wearing disappeared up the stairs. Was she avoiding me? Her attitude seemed much brisker today.

"Oh, professor"

I declared as Jane's father entered into the house

"Yes, my boy? "

"I uh, is she-... Is Jane ok?"

"Oh yes, yes she's just anxious is all. Big trip, away from her girlfriends, her home everything she knows."

Ah, she was just nervous, I noted that and walked with the professor to his study. We had a lot to prepare for takeoff tomorrow.




Thank you so much for making it to the end of this first part! How was it? Let me know in the comments. I love you all and please vote if you like it!! See you all next entry, love Artsy_writer.

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