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          Jasmine and Eveline stared in shock as I explained my plan. "You're going to draw the portal?" Eveline asked even though she'd heard it before. Jasmine leaned forward.

          "I think it's a brilliant idea." She replied instead. "Here, let me show you how to work it." She ripped the package open, took a piece of Magicpaper, along with a pencil and an eraser.

          "What do you want it to do?" She asked. I hesitated. 

          "To bring whoever goes through it to the past in 2020 when they say 'Open, PastBringer', and then close behind it forever when they all go through." I said wisely. Eveline looked like she was going to laugh.

          "That was very humble." She forced out before bursting into laughter. Jasmine and I glanced at each other. 

          "So," Jasmine said, writing the info down, "Now draw a picture of it." She passed me the paper, and I drew a wide oval with storm clouds. 

          "Done." I said, sliding the paper back to Jasmine, who passed it back to me.

          "Now when you go through the Bermuda Triangle, through this in a thunderstorm because the drawing has storm clouds in it, and say 'Open, PastBringer', alright?" She asked. Eveline and I nodded. 

          "The thing is we're going today." I said slowly. Eveline and I had discussed this before on the road home. Jasmine was frozen for a few minutes before nodding. 

          "I understand." She said. Eveline looked like she was about to burst. 

          "Why is everyone here being humble except for me?" She asked. Jasmine and I laughed.


          "Hey, where are we going?!" Captain Worley shrieked as Jasmine, Em, Eveline, and I pushed him to the vehicles with his crew and other people.

          "We're going back to the past." Eveline said. I nodded. Em had came when Jasmine called her to say good-bye to Eveline and me. She was hiding it, but she knew that would happen. 

          "All aboard!" Em called enthusiastically. The Captain and others climbed into the vehicles reluctantly. Then, it was our turn. Eveline had hurried up the stairs because she was crying, and I saluted to Em and Jasmine as I climbed up the stairs. 

          "Good-bye!" They called.

          "Good-bye!" I replied. Then, the staircase closed and I went to the pilot's seat, starting the engine as Eveline sat in the copilot's seat. The Waterspout blared to life as it hurled into the air, Jasmine and Em's faces in my mind. The Waterspout led all of the other ancient vehicles to the Bermuda Triangle, with Eveline clutching the bag of gifts. We hurtled back into the Bermuda Triangle again.  

A Journey Through the Bermuda Triangle; Book 1 in the Bermuda Triangle SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now