The Fifth House Part 1

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This is dedicated to Kaleigh_belz_ for being the first person to comment on the Arrival Part 2

All characters belong to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling not myself i only own the plot.

3rd Person POV

The boys wings where turquoise in coulur which swirled and changed like the tides of the sea, unlike the others the tips of his wings changed colour into a light grey that showed different pictures and words, the sentence that stood out the most is αγαπώ πάντα Seaweed Brain! (meaning love you forever Seaweed brain - sorry if not correct blame Google translate.)

Steeping forward Zeus said " You have now revieved my blessing, you are all given the gift of flight."

Poseidon said " My blessing is that you will all be able to breathe underwater and pass safely in my domain when ever you want."

Hades declared " My blessing is similar to Poseidons you can all summon precious metals but i am afraid that you can't shadow travel because your bodies would desolve."

Proffesor McGonagalls POV

Looking at the powerfull figures knelling on the floor and seeing the permanent pain in there eyes i knew with out a doubt that these people where who the Sorting Hat was talking about.

Looking at how Poseidon looked so concerned for his son i knew without a doubt the reason for the hurt look in his eyes. He had lost his love. His soul-mate. To War.

Wondering when they were going to leave so that we could stat the sorting the King of the God's concluded there visit by saying to me,

"We will return to you in one weeks time for the ball when Beauxbatons and Drumstrang schools have arrived for the Triwizard tornament. The Demigods shall be entered in as a seperate school to make the competition more interesting for all of us."

Without warning he flashed out leaving behind three demigods knelling on the ground infronnt of an empty space.

"What an earth","Who are they" where only some of comments as the hall erupted into a cacophony of students baying for answers.

Trying to bring them back to order nothing i could do seemed to work. Casting my desperate gaze over to the demigod's i tried to gauge how well they are taking this commotion. Suprised to see them not bothered at all and in stead semming to be amused by the whole situation. Seeing two of them finaly get bored of the ccommotion they looked to the older boy who seemed to still have his head bowed. Slowly raising his head i could see his shattered eyes which seemed to reflect the very ocean.

Barley holding back i looked to his friends to see there sudden sad and regretful expressions. Turning back to the front i tried again to bring the pupils to attention, but before i could uter a word a powerful voice yelled


looking towards the source of the comand.

I found myself looking at Percy his wings out streched to there amazing lenght of 18 feet, succeding in creating an even more powerful and enforcing image.

Expecting him to continue eeryone's eyes turned to look at him, not seeming to notice he stared of into the distance as if remebering a siilar situation before.

Quickly continuing before the ruckus could begin again I said, " If you could all welcome our special guests and make them fell welcome what ever house they are placed in."

Reaching forward I retrieved the sorting hat, I called out "Perseus Jackson,"

 I watched as he carefully approached the ricity old stool. Still two steps away the hat started to shake and quiver in my hand.

Suddenly it yelled," Lioneye! Lioneye! Now stay away!" continuing to mutter unaware of the amazement of the rest of the houses " So much Pain. Torture. Go. Lioneye!"

Staring open mouthed at the warrior stood before me, like a statue afraid to move in fear of the rection, the only sign of life coming from the nervous rustle of his magnificent wings.

Gradually getting over my shock I called out,

" Welcome, Perseus Jackson the first Lioneye!"

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