Chapter two- Waking Up and Secrets

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*Liam's P.O.V.*

I felt myself wake up and I noticed the light against my eyelid. I didn't dare open them yet. It felt warm and I was beginning to wonder where I was, the last I remember I was with some guy... My head throbbed and very unwillingly I cracked my left eye open first, squeezing my right one shut. The sunlight crashed into the room I was in like a tidal wave, everything eagerly accepting it. Slowly my other eye opened and I blinked hard, adjusting slowly. I was in a small room, deep red walls surronding me and I was securely tucked under white sheets. A black wood dresser stood to the right far wall and the door was to my left.

Cautiously I pushed away my blankets, grabbing my head and slowly sitting up. I felt dizzy as I tossed my legs over the edge and silently slipped onto the floor, grasping the bed for some much needed support.

"You're up." A rough voice I didn't recognize said behind me and I glanced back. It was the same boy that I met today, his hair styled into a quiff and he had gray sweatpants on, but was wearing no shirt. I noticed the few tattoos covering his fit body and I quickly glanced away before he could notice me check him out.

"W-where am I?" My voice cracked and faultered, my throat as dry as the sahara dessert.

"My place, you fell and hit your head hard," he chuckled and shook his head, "knocked yourself right out!"

I felt myself smile, but pushed it away quickly, rubbing at the back of my head lightly.

"You have a small cut on the back, nothing to serious. It's gonna be a bitch to wash though. So good luck with that. Why don't you come downstairs with me and I'll get you some tylenol?" He offered and I nodded slowly before turning.

"Who a-are you-u?" I stuttered, tugging my sleeves further down onto my hands.

"Zayn Malik," he spoke proudly, then frowned, "you don't remember me?"

"Should I?" I cocked an eyebrow and searched his face as if the answer was written there.

"We go to school together, we share English together. Actually, we share a lot of classes together." Zayn's face held captive the frown for a few more seconds before he shook his head, "doesn't matter, come on Li, let's get you something to help your head."

I felt myself faulter a bit, 'he knows my name? Course he does idiot, you share classes together.' I wantes to facepalm myself but quickly realized how silly that would look.

I didn't even notice him walk up to I felt a touch on the small of my back and I glanced to my right to see him carefully guiding me. My steps were small and carefull as I still felt dizzy and confused. I almost tripped roughly six times before he had me jump onto his back and he carefully carried me to his kitchen.

"When did the sun come out?" I asked sheepishly as I stood by the island, situated in the middle of his kitchen.

"After it set," he chuckled, "the usual."

"Wait, how many days have I been out?" Fear grasped me and I clung to the table for support.

"Take a breath," Zayn instructed, handing me the water, "small sips. And only a few hours. You passed out yesterday at about 8pm and here we are now at 11:30am the next day." He informed me and I felt myself relax as I sipped at the cold water.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"For?" He asked as he reached up and retrieved the Tylenol, placing two in his hands.

"Everything." I glanced up at him over the rim of the cup and let a small smile show through.

"There's no need to thank me, just promise me you won't ever do something so stupid again?" His voice was harsh but caring, kind of father-like.

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