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It is now time to move. After everything that has happened over the past few days, everyone was tired. Piper used her charm speak to get 20 moving trucks to pack our stuff. We put couches in the back of the truck for other campers. We had TVs in the back with an electric motor that Hephaestus made. He also made the TVs.

It has taken us five hours to get everything onto the trucks so far. We have to drive because if we took a plane, Zeus would have us shot out of the sky. I won't  use my teleportation powers to get there because if something happened and the gods decided to fight early, I wouldn't know about it. I couldn't teleport everyone there because I would pass out using my powers to much.

"That's the last bag," Annebeth said, while setting a black duffel bag in the last truck. We all started to leave. I heard some kids cry because they were leaving their only home. We had Chiron leave in the first truck so we can hurry him down to the new camp area.

Everything seemed to be fine, that's what scared me. It seemed too fine. I teleported on top of the truck to look around. I saw we were passing a big farm. I looked to the left and saw a baby calf. It kind of made me sad since I had to leave my whole family. Then I made a hard decision. I teleported to the apartment and left the other campers with just three gods watching them.

I then grabbed my mom and Paul and teleported them with all their stuff to one of the trucks. I then told them everything that happened so they didn't have to ask. Then I teleported to my truck. I turned on the TV and started to doze off.

In my dream I was in Olympus. It looked bad. There was hole in the walls. Curtains were on fire. Then I looked over to the chairs and saw that three were gone. The ones that were gone was Poseidon's, Artemis', and Hephaestus'. I heard a scream in the back room. I ran there as quick as possible. Then I saw Apollo. Zeus had him on this chair that was a hundred times worse than an electric chair. Then I pulled my swords out and tried to stab Zeus. The only problem was I wasn't really there. It was like a vision.

Then I heard someone say," Zeus, come quickly." I followed Zeus to see where he was going. Then I saw Athena. "What is it?" Zeus said. "Hermes is injured," she said back. Then in saw Zeus go to Hermes. He put his hands on his back and said something quietly, so I couldn't here him. Then Athena stabbed Zeus in the back. He screamed in pain. Then he got Hermes sword out and before Zeus went to stab her I teleported her to one of the trucks.

I then woke up. I saw Athena right next to me. "Thank you child," she said. I nodded back. Then there was a large BOOM. I opened the door in the back to see what it was. Then I was electrocuted. Instead of flying back, I was held like that. I started yelling in pain. "Father," I yelled. Then Paul ran up to me and Poseidon got out of his truck and hit Zeus. When Zeus stopped, Paul pulled me into safety. Then he took my swords out and got ready to fight Zeus.

Zeus hit Poseidon to the ground. When he turned he saw Paul ready to fight him. "Stupid mortal, you can't defeat me," Zeus said. Then before Zeus could electrocute Paul, Poseidon got to his feet, pulled out his trident, and impaled Zeus. Before Zeus could hit Poseidon, I teleported him back to Olympus.

Poseidon carried me to the couch and dropped me on it. Then Athena did something to make me go to sleep.

When I woke up it I went to see how long we've been on the road. It was dark out. I looked around and saw everyone asleep. I turned on the TV and watched AMC. Then after six hours of watching Walking Dead we arrived. I saw a big open field with mountains. I woke everyone up and paid the drivers. Hephaestus went to work fast. He built a huge building like a hotel and made the barrier so no monster could get in.

When Hephaestus was done, I teleported the couches and TVs in the building and we all went inside and fell asleep.

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