Chapter Seven

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-Third Person's Point of View-

Kyoya pushed Hikaru out of the way and hugged his little sister. She hugged back and then they let go. "I'm hungry" Hana said, everyone agreed that they were hungry also. Haruhi walked into the room. "Haruhi. Those clothes" Hikaru said. "Yeah. I think my dad repacked all my bags. He always wants me to wear this kind of thing. It's thanks to him that we're always in debt" Haruhi said.

"GOOD JOB, HARUHI'S DAD!" Honey, Hikaru and Kaoru said. Hana walked over to Tamaki, "I'm sorry about earlier, Tamaki-Kun. I just didn't want Haruhi to get hurt..." Hana said and Tamaki hugged Hana. "But you could've died" He whispered. "But I didn't, that boy saved my life..." Hana said quietly. "How did that boy know you?" Tamaki said.

"I wish I remembered..." Hana said, sighing. Kyoya looked at them and handed Hana a picture. "You two were childhood friends until his family moved away, his name is Eli." Kyoya said. (His picture as the chapter picture)


"Hana-Chan!!" A little boy with mocha hair and chocolate eyes yelled, running towards a group of bullies, one of the bullies stopped the boy from entering. "BULLY ME INSTEAD OF HER, YOU BAKAS, YOU SHOULD NEVER HARM A GIRL!!!!!" The boy screamed. The bullies turned around and smirked. One of them pulled out a knife and held it close to Hana's head, "Does this make you mad, Chocolate Head?" The bully with the knife said.

This made the boy angry, he ran up to the bully and punched him in the face, this made the bully dropped the knife to cover his bleeding face. "SHIT!!!!!" The bully yelled. "Let's get him" One said. "E-Eli-K-Kun.." Hana said weakly, one of the bullies put their hand over her mouth, "Don't speak, it'll only make you weaker" The bully whispered in her ear. 'K-Kyoya? But when did he get here?' Hana thought.

The bullies brought the boy to a cliff (They were at the beach) and through him off. Hana pushed her brother off of her and ran to the edge of the cliff and jumped off. She dove down to speed up and catch him, she held the boy close as they fell into the water safely.

When they got to shore, they were both bleeding, Hana from cuts and the boy from hitting his head on a rock. "Eli-Kun, arigoto for saving me...." Hana said, "I should be thanking you" The boy named Eli said, laughing slightly.

-Present time-

Hana stared at the picture and hugged it, crying. "I want to see him before we leave..." She said, "Alright" Kyoya said. Hana stood up and followed Kyoya to the dinning room, Hikaru saved a seat for Hana and gestured her to sit down, Hana walked over to Hikaru and sat down. She stared at the table deep in thought.

"Hana, what's wrong?" Hikaru asks. "Just thinking" Hana replied, emotionlessly. She looked up from where she was staring and saw Haruhi trying to stab Tamaki's hand with a fork. "Even Haruhi has an immature side to her..." Kaoru said. "A commoner's obsession with food is at an almost frightening level" Kyoya said.

"HEY, ARE YOU THE TWINS OR SOMETHING?!" Tamaki yelled, pointing at Haruhi. "Didn't you say you weren't going to talk to me? And your gonna burst my eardrums" Haruhi said. Hana stood up and left the room, she walked down the hallway and entered what she thought was her room (Her and Nekozawa's room are next to each other).

"Sorry, sir. Wrong room..." Hana said, turning around. "It's only me..." A voice said. "Nekozawa-Kun?" Hana asked, facing him. "Call me, Umehito" (That's his first name) Nekozawa said. "A-Alright... U-Umehito-Kun" Hana said. Nekozawa, or should I say, Umehito walked close to Hana and closed the door. "Now you know my true face, now you will become mine" He whispered in her ear.

He grabbed Hana's wrist and walked over to the bed. "B-But your older then m-me" She said, before being pinned down to the bed. "Age doesn't matter" Umehito smirked. He leaned closer to her and pressed his lips against hers. Just then, the door opened to show Hikaru standing there. "Nekozawa-Senpa- WHAT THE HELL?!" He yelled. Umehito and Hana separated from the kiss.

"Who are you, and why are you here? And what are you doing to Hana?!" Hikaru yelled, Umehito smirked again. "Pretty boy jealous?" He laughed slightly and got up and helped Hana up, "We'll finish later..." He whispered in her ear. (Note: Umehito is in his bath robe, but wearing underclothing). Umehito left the room, leaving Hikaru and Hana alone, in the dark.

"Who was that..." Hikaru growled, "It was Nekozawa" Hana answered. "So he wears a wig? Hmmm, blackmail. But for now, what were to two doing in here?" He asks. "I walked into the wrong room and he stopped me from leaving..." Hana replied, simply. "He likes you, but I won't let him have you" Hikaru thought out loud.

He began to walk out of the room, "M-Matte!" Hana cried, grabbing the back of Hikaru's shirt. "I don't want to be alone... When I'm alone, I hear strange people talking, telling me I'm not good enough, that I should die. That no one will be my knight in shining armor, saving me from them..." Hana said with tears rolling down her face.

"T-The voices... The voices tell me that friends are not real, that true love is fake.. That I'll be left alone, with them... When I'm alone. The voices hurt me, both emotionally and physically..." Hana continued, Hikaru's eyes were wide, thinking about what he just heard. "Hikaru... I want to be free from this..." Hana cried once more. Koaru walked into the room, "Woah, what happened?" He asks.

Hana fell to her knees crying, her hands in front of her, on the floor. "S-Stop telling me this..." She said quietly as tears fell onto the floor. She weakly sang Circus Monster, "T-Time is dead and gone, show much go on, it's time for our act... They all scream at me, they cannot see, this certain hides me..." She sings. Both of the Hittachin twins looked at Hana with a worried expression.

Hana cried louder, as if someone was hurting her, which one of her 'voices' was an evil spirit and it was only able to be seen by Hana, the spirit was hitting her and cutting her. Hana's crying made the other hosts (The Haruhi and Tamaki thing was going on during this), Umehito and his servants run into the room. Kyoya saw Hana crying and ran to her.

He hugged her and she just sat there. "'Hey get up you worthless circus monster...'" Hana said quietly, but her voice was different. "You've been a bad host, my dear" A deep voice came from Hana, the deep voice chuckled. "You shouldn't make friends, my love..." The voice said once again, "They'll leave you all alone, you can only trust me... All those stories you've been told about true love... Did you think it'd happen to you? Ha! You are betrothed to that boy, Umehito!" The voice continued.

"Who is Umehito?" Haruhi asks, Nekozawa raised his hand. "Me" He said. Hikaru grew mad, "Betrothed?!" He yelled, Hana stood up. "Yes, just ask dear old big brother..." The voice said as Hana gestured to Kyoya. "Kyoya... Is that true..." Tamaki asked. Kyoya looked down, "How could I have forgotten..." He said quietly. "Mmm, I won't punish you or your sister this time, but I don't like it when my host plays around with idiots." The voice said, then looked at the host club. "And as for all of you, you must never speak of this to Hana..." It finished, then Hana collapsed, Kyoya caught her in time.

Hikaru shot a death glare at Umehito, "Why do you have to be betrothed to the girl I love?!" He yells, Kyoya glared at Hikaru, Hikaru stopped and hid behind Haruhi. "I had to admit, I also has a crush on Hana, so I'm mad also..." Kaoru said. Honey and Aito agreed and Mori nodded. "Well, I found Hana's weakness first, so I win the prize" Hikaru added. "If it's her fear of being alone, I knew when we first met" Umehito said.

"It's more of a 'if she's alone she gets suicidal thoughts' thing" Umehito said. Hikaru growled and grabbed Umehito by his cloak and raised a fist in the air, Kyoya and Umehito laughed slightly. "We aren't actually betrothed" Umehito laughed as he spoke, "It was a joke, I'm surprised that that personality agreed to the joke" Kyoya said.

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