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"So,Y/N, where are you from ?" Honey tries to stir up conversation.

"Um, orginally, from New Paris," (Combo of New York and Paris). I explain. 

"Wow, I always wanted to go there, I mean the fashion there is, just, perfect" 

"Yeah, it's nice," 

"So, you don't look like a college student, how old are you exactly?" 

"Um, 14," I confess. 

"Really, oh my gosh, I have got to tell Hiro, you're pretty too, even better, I'm going to be playing match maker," she goes on.

"Huh, who's Hiro?" I furrow my brow, this girl is one tall bubble of energy. She hasn't even told me about any of the classes or activites. 

"Oh, just my awesome friend," 

"Ok, and how old is he?" I whisper.

"Huh? Oh he's 14, your age my darling, that's what I mean you'll be the perfect couple," she claps her hands and takes out her cellphone.

"What's your number?" 

"Um, I'm not supposed to give my number out to strangers," I stagger.

"I'm not a stranger anymore silly, I'm your friend, and soon you'll have about 5 more," 

"I'm really lost." I try to make of the words coming out of her mouth but she talks so fast it's hard to make out.  

"Oh, you'll just have to wait for lunch," she takes a selfie and puts her phone away. Ok then. 

"Anyway, let's get this tour on a roll, shall we?" 

"Please," I groan. We begin. She shows me almost every classroom in my major. The rest of the classrooms are for other majors, like, pyscology, and such. After an hour of the tour it's already time for lunch, a weird bell dings and several students rush from the rooms, running out the doors, few go to the cafeteria, the few being about 50, Honey Lemon, and I. Inside the large room are countless tables round tables that can fit about 8 people. A guy in a beanie waves down Honey, she pulls me towards the table. There is another guy in a green sweater, a girl in leather, and a boy, my age, I assume he is the Hiro guy. 

"Hey, guys, this is Y/N" Honey introduces me to everyone. "That's Hiro, he's the one I was talking about" she whispers in my ear as I sit beside Honey and the other girl, Gogo, I think. 

"So, Y/N, you're like 15 right?" the guy, Fred, interrogates.

"Hm, no, I'm 14" I correct.

"Dude, that's how old Hiro is," the guy shakes the black haired boy next to him, Hiro's face blushes red. 

"Cool." I sigh, I take out my laptop from my bag, I can't eat in front of these people. I feel, awkward. I work on my pareodic table diagram, for chem, my mom gave me the assignment, aparently it's going to help me later on. 

"Whatcha, doing ?' Honey leans in. 

"WOAH, is that what I think it is, wow, it looks so advance" she awes. 

"Thanks, my mom is the new chemistery science teacher, she told me to do this," 

"Wait !?! You're mom is the new chemiserty teacher, chem, is my fave subject," Honey squeezes me a bit too tightly.

"Um, Honey, I think you're going to kill her" the GoGo girl talks. 

"Oops, sorry, it's just so exciting" she uses large arm gestures.

"Honey, careful, you might hit her computer," Wasabai says. 

"Laptop, Wasabi, Laptop," the Fred guy hits Wasabai's arm.


"Hiro, I think you have blueprints for bio right?" Honey quiery's.

"Yup, there in the nerd lab," he smiles. Wow. I mean, cool, he smiles. No biggie. 

"Nerd Lab?" I raise my head above the computer to look at him better.

"Yeah, I can show you after lunch, I have a free period." 

"That's perfect," Honey finishes for me. 

"Aren't you going to eat?" GoGo asks.

"Nah, I'm not really hungry," I shrug.

"Well, you better work out an apitete because after school we are all going to the Cat Cafe, Hiro's aunt owns it, she's awesome" Fred blabs.

"Oh, cool, I'll have to check with my mom to make sure it's alright," 

"Perfect, do you wanna go now, to ask?" Honey pulls on my sleeve. 

"Um, sure, I guess," I pack up my things .

"Bye Y/N," the gang waves goodbye as Honey locks arms with me again.

"Hiro was totally checking you out!" Honey practically bursts once we get into the hall. 

"No he wasn't" 

"Yes, he was, Y/N, no dening it, he's into you" she pulls me farther down the hall. We arrive outside my mom's classroom, or at least I think it's hers. Honey goes right in.

"Hey mom," 

"Hey, darling, Hi Honey" my mom greets happily.

"Hey Mrs.Lane, I was wondering if your daughter was allowed to come with me and a few friends to this cafe after school?" 

"Why yes, I think that's great" my mom grins widly. 

"Thanks mom" I give her a quick hug and Honey and I rush back to the lunch. Everyone is still there when we come back in. 

"That was quick, so can you go?" Wasabi inquries. 


"Yes!" Fred fist bumps the air. People here are defiantly full of energy. The bell rings apsently from the hallway, kids quickly leave, some even leaving campus. I guess alot of classes are done already. GoGo, Wasabi, and Fred go in sepearate directions, leaving only Honey, Hiro and I. 

"So, Y/N, you promised Hiro youd'e go to the lab, you better go, I need to catch my robotics class. I'll meet you after ward in the Cat Cafe" Honey leaves .

"Ready?" Hiro out stretches his hand to me. I take it carefully.

                                                                Hiro's P.O.V

I take her head carefully. She's really pretty, and smart. I mean how else would she have gotten into this nerd school, but she's more of a geek in my opionion. 

"It's this way," I drop her hand after she tenses, she fallows me into the lab. Her eyes light up, she goes right towards my desk. 

"Woah, who's robots, are they carbon fire , no they must be titanium, maybe iron. Wow, these blueprints, I would kill to have these" she gushes over my model robots and testable blue prints. 

"They're mine, I still can't figure out what to make of the blue prints though, I confused myself" I shake my head.

"No, no, I understand it. You see, here, this is where the screws meet the wires, the wires need to be connected to the motor, the motor is run on crude oil, right ? Here, oh wow, this is amazing. So the motor is run off magnetic energy, how did you come up with that brillant idea?" for a girl that looks like she should be a model, she sure is bright. 

"I was messing around one day," 

"Wow, still, that's how most scientific theories are made, you know that right, Hiro, you could be the best Isaac Newton, I mean not that you'll discover gravatiy forces, but it's possible. But I see you more as a ben franklin, inveting and all" she walks over to my computer and stares at it for a second.

"Wait, is this what I think it is ? " 

"Dragon Ball Z ? yes " I laugh.

"Oh my gosh, this game is hella rad"

"It is, I'm pretty far along"

"I can see that"

The Geek and the Nerd (Hiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now