Life and Love- Chapter 1

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Hi my names Elisa Keens, I'm 16 and live with my mum and brother. My dad was killed in a rouge attack. Oh yes and I'm a werewolf. Yes me and my brother are werewolves. Mum is human but dad was a werewolf and passed the gean to me and Chris (my brother). We live in a small cottage not far from the pack house, Me and Chris are part of the Wildwolf Pack. Run by Jordan Kanes as Alpha and his Luna Beth Kanes. His son Harry will be takeing over in a few weeks. Mum is under the protection of the pack because of me and Chris. Everyone says i look like my dad. Deep blue eyes, pale skin and long blond hair. I didnt see dad much because i was 1 when the attack happened.  Chris was 5 so he remembers him the most. Chris looks like mum, black hair green eyes and a tan. I'm the school neard and hes the head jocks but for two people so different we love each other more than anything. He has always there for me, tought me how to be a good werewolf and just been the best big brother anyone could have.

Harry, the alphas son, is coming home from his safety keeping, he was sent when the attack happened so i dont know him but Chris dose as they used to be best friends.

"Chris, whats Harry like" i asked him looking up from my book.

"Me" was Chris's reply "Thats why he was my best friend"

"Oh" i said then began to read again. I wonder if Harry will be my mate. I dream of meeting my mate.

"El he'll like you" Chris said. I jumped out of my seat and sat on his lap and hugged him. Just then mum came down the stairs into the living room.

"Morning Chris, Elisiana" She said. Mum has never much been there for me or Chris, she has a fansy job in an ofice and is normaly at work before we are up and isnt home until late in the evening. We rase ourselfes. When dad was here she was different, the perfect mother but when he was killed she changed. I miss the old her and i miss my dad.

"Morning Mum" Chris said.

"Hi" i called.

"Elisiana learn to speak proporly" she scoled. No my real name is not Elisiana but mum cant stand Elisa or El (which is what Chris called me) so she desided that Elisiana was more appropriat.

"Yes mum" I said sheepishly. I'm shy and dont like to stand up for myself.

"Very well, I'm off" She said then walked out. I looked at Chris then walked upstairs to my room. I showered and washed my hair, then got out and straightened it. My pale skin had a pink tint to it so i used some foundation to make it look ok. I then put on silver eye shadow and peach lip gloss. Then i walked over to my wardrobe and puled out a white vest top, black shorts and a cream carddie with black boots. I may be a neard but i am still popular, but not in a chearleading way but I'm the sister of the head jock so i get some street cred. When i walked back downstairs Chris was stood looking all Bad Boy with is black jeans, white T-Shirt and black leather jacket.

"Dont you look fine today" i said walking into the kitchen.

"El you dont look half bad yourself" He laughed. Then we walked out to his car together. He always drives me to school. As it's a school run by a werewolf Chris will go to school until he is 25. He dosnt like it but he dosnt get a choise. The car journey was silent like normal. Me and Chris dont normaly speak during thease journeys. I have my head phones on with my IPod, while Chris drives. When we pull up at school I got out and waited for Chris. He got out in a mattter of seconds. Waiting out side was Chris's mate Jessy. She has chocolat brown hair cut into a small bob. She is 5'3 and a lot smaller that Chris but so am I. I'm 5'5 so a littler taller than Jessy. She is my age and we are best friends.

"Morning Elisa" She said smiling then hugged me. Then she jumped into Chris's arms and kissed him. He put one arm around her shoulder and we all walked into the hallway. Everyone was in their groups. Me, Jessy and Chris walked to the end of the hallway where there is a small platform where the pack sits. There are 10 other pack members that come here.

Life and Love- Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now