Chapter 9

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Elisa's pov

I loved Henry so much. He was my Nephew and i adored the air he breathed. It was a wonderfull afternoon. When Jessy took Henry and Gabby took Brooklyn to bed i felt lonly.

"Babe cheer up, you will see them tomorrow" Harry said walst kissing my neck. I giggled and turned around so i was faceing Harry.

"I miss him Harry" i whispered "That baby reminds me of dad, and i"

"Baby, your dad would be proud of you" he whispered in my ear. When we got to his room i let the tears i had been holding back fall from my eyes. "Please dont cry" I tried to stop but i couldnt. I had to let it all out. After a while Harry stopped trying to help me and just held me close to him and let me cry.

"I love you" I whispered then kissed him, he kissed me back and i felt the love he had for me.

"Baby i love you too" He told me. I giggled then slipped out of my dress and into a pair of jogging bottoms and vest top ready for bed. Harry did the same.

"Night Haz" I whispered.

"Night El" he whispered back then i fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.


I was walking down the isle on my wedding day. Harry wasnt there. Nobody was apart from me and Jessy. The hall was empty.

"Jess" i cried but she was no longer beside me. I was alone. Whats was going on. Today was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. There must be a reson everyone isnt here. Have i got the wrong place. No i cant have. Then Chris ran in.

"El there was an accsident harry's-"

End of dream

I woke up with a scream.

"Harry" I yelled.

"I'm here, whats wrong" he aked sounding worried.

"Bad dream" I panted.

"What happened" he asked even more worried.

"I lost you" Was all i could manage.

"Baby I'm here, I promise" He tried to reasure me but the dream seemed so real, like it had already happened and it was a memorie.

"It wasnt like a nightmear i have had before, it seemed real" i whispered "Harry i cant loose you, not now not ever"

"You wont" He said with a slight laugh to his voice. I got up and looked at the time. 9:30 am. I went to the shower and washed my hair. I got out and Harry was gone. As much as i love him I'm glad when i get time alone. I blow dry my hair then curl it into ringles down my back. I then put on silver eye shadow then Black mascara and eye liner. I walked to the walk in wardrobe that Harry had had his mum stoke with cloths for me, or more cloths but not the sort of thing i would normaly wear. It took me a while but i found a pair of short denim shorts, a vest top with LOL! written on it and black high heeled ancle boots. I looked just fine. When i walked out of the wordrobe Harry was sat on the bed and he looked amazing. Black jeans, white top and black lether jacket. Bad Boy allert. When i walked out he handed me a black lether jacket like his but for women.

"Thanks Harry" I said hugging him. Today we go back to school, it's Harry's first day at school with the pack.

"Will i do ok at school" Harry asked. I gave him a 'what' look.

"Harry you will do just fine" I told him then picked up my IPod, IPhone, ear phones and school books ready to put in my bag. I pick up the bag and walked out the room and downstairs to meet the gang.

"Luna" That all said as i entered the room.

"Nope, today is school I'm Elisa" I told them.

"Alpha" THey said and i realise Harry was behind me.

"My names Harry" He corrected and the room erupted into laughter. Gabby walked in.

"Brooks staying here with your mum Harry" She said as Gab's will be joining us but Tyler is 29 and dosnt come to the school.

"I dont want to leave Henry" Jessy cried. This is the hardest part for her, she is only 16 and cant leave school yet.

"Dont worrie dear, he will be here when you get back" Jessy's mother said taking Henry from her. Chris hated this just as much but had to stay strong for Jess. Harry took my hand and we walked out to his BMW. I smirked.

"Nice ride" I said. He grabbed my waist and pecked my lips then opened the passenger door for me. "Such a gentleman". All mates rode to school together. When we pulled up at school the humans moved aside to we could get to our parking spots. We got out and the three 'cool' humans walk up. They think they will be able to hang with us.

"Who are the newbies, the boys hot" The one in the middle, Kendra said winking at Harry.

"He's mine Kendra and his name is Harry" I told her.

"What bout the girl, she looks like you" The one to Kendra's right, Bethany said pointing at Gabby.

"That is Gabby and she is Elisa's twin and my younger sister" Chris told them.

"Jessy you look different, whats up wiv you" The one to Kendra's left, Hanna aid.

"Nothing that conserns you" Jessy told the three of them. They turned aroun and walke off. We all erupted into laughter then headed for the school. Harry and Gabby where fascinated at how we where so populer. They where even more asonished when the saw The Platform. We all walked onto the platform and now Harry sat in the middle with me on his lap, Chris and Jessy and Cam and Callie. Dan sat with Yasmine, Bella, Kenny, Grace and Ben around the chairs. Then we saw someone we all hated.





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