Chapter 10

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I walked over to Adrien and tapped his shoulder from behind. "Yo I got my order, let's go." "Alright. See ya dudes." He said with a wave.

"We need to get this drug to Master Fu. He specifically requested the strongest drug. I think it's to run some tests on, I'm not so sure really."

We got to the institute after what felt like years of silence and headed straight to Master Fu's office. "We got the stuff you needed."

"Ah, very good Mar-Masked Lady." He said with a smile. He almost called me by my real name in front of Adrien, who wasn't even supposed to know my identity. "You both May go now as I understand that you both are young and still attend school. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Master Fu." With that we walked out of his office and then out of the building.

"Hmmm so you're the same age as me? Wait what if we go to the same school?" Adrien asked with a finger on his chin.

"You know what, yeah I am. I don't go to your school though. But that's all I'm gunna tell you. And we are not having this discussion again."

"I still don't understand why you can't tell me who you really are. Don't you trust me?"

"*sigh* Adrien look I do trust you. It's just I don't want anyone to know who I am. Okay? I'm sorry, maybe one day I'll tell you. But for now, I think I should keep my identity hidden."

"Okay. I'm sorry for trying to invade your privacy and make you uncomfortable."

"Don't be. Anyone would be curious to know the secret identity of the person they work with."

We finally reached a curb where we had to go opposite ways. "Anyways Adrien, goodnight. And take care okay?"

"Don't worry I will and you too."

With that we started to go to our own respective houses. By the time I got home, it was 00:48. I was tired. I immediately stripped out of my clothes and into my pyjamas and then flopped onto the bed, dozing off into a deep sleep.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* I cut the alarm off and tried to make an effort to get out of bed. As soon as I stuck out one leg, it went back under my covers. Nope too cold. 5 more minutes wouldn't do me no harm.

Then, one minute I was enjoying the warmth of my bed and then I was tossed onto the floor with someone shaking me awake by my shoulders.


"HOLY SHIT IM UP!! WHO THE FU- oh it's just you Alya." I said trying to stifle a yawn.

"Don't 'oh it's just you Alya' me. Get yo ass up and get dressed, dumbass. She threw clothes and me and I groaned while making my way to my bathroom for a shower and to brush my teeth.

[Marinettes Outfit]:

[Marinettes Outfit]:

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