Part 2

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Reaching for a sandwich, Taemin took a bite before continuing, "But my father and Aunty Chaerin agrees. The rebels obliging to the ceasefire is suspicious. The funeral would be an opportune moment for an attack," he finished the sandwich, "With all units back, they could get rid of the Royal army in one go."

"Do you think they have the man-power to succeed in such an attack?" asked Jimin.

"We don't know. Intel on the extent of their army has not been too great," said Taemin, "Either way, you will need to be precautious during this time. Make sure patrols on the village borders are precise. They could attack villages during this time too."

"I see," said Jimin as he leaned back, "Then it is best that I don't go. Stay here and help Sowon where I can," he looked over to Ren, "Could you group the other Oracles together, ask if they'll be willing to help."

"Yes I will," said Ren, "Also," he peered at Taemin, "Maybe we should inform Tae about what we were discussing."

Jimin shifted, uncomfortable. Ren stared at him, patient. But nothing was said. Taemin looked between the two, eyebrows lowering, "What is it?" he asked.

"Nothing," waved Jimin. Ren sighed.

"It's clearly something," pushed Taemin, then turned to Ren, "Tell me."

"I think we should tell Chae about what we've been doing. That perhaps if we asked her to speak to Holland directly, we may be able to find out how we could,"

"Ren," Jimin's eyes flickered, "It won't work."

Taemin sat straighter, thinking, "I just know it's not going to work," continued Jimin.

"We won't know unless we've tried," said Ren.

"That is true," said Taemin and Jimin's eyes widened.

"You agree with him?"

"It is always an option Jim. Besides how are we doing with finding the spell?"

"Dead ends everywhere," said Ren, "The other Oracles don't know anything either. The elders are useless."

"We just haven't been trying hard enough," said Jimin. Ren scoffed.

"Jim," Taemin spoke softly, "You do not have to decide now," he reached out a hand and intertwined their fingers, "But Ren is right. We must consider and if all else fails resort to it," he smiled, "Chaeyoung has grown in to an incredibly kind-hearted young woman. Who holds a very capable head on her shoulders. Believe me when I say this," he squeezed his hand, "I trust her judgement. It's time you started doing the same," Jimin looked at him, seeing only earnest eyes.

"I'll think about it," said Jimin, "But for now, we continue as normal," he smiled as Taemin squeezed his hand again while Ren leaned back, not entirely satisfied with his answer.

Covering her mouth and nose, the slug-like things disappeared as the androgynes continued to pray. The ground lit up in a warm hue, the forest brightening. The cleansing was quick, much like before. A patrol officer hurried up to her, speaking swiftly.

"There was nothing," he said, "No further disturbances either. Should we wait it out?"
Sowon looked towards the peak. When they arrived, there had been a bright flash and she'd sent scouts immediately as the slug things increased in numbers.

"Yes, keep watch there for the next few days. If anything occurs report to me immediately," she said. Nodding he bowed then ran back off into the direction he'd come from. Turning back to the cleansing, she crossed her arms and watched on.

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