Part 2

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It was odd, this innate sense of lightness, filling her up. Had it always been there? Why show itself now? But as Jisoo took in his words, she knew, could see the road carved for her. In a blink of the eye her lips curled. Roaming over the table, she saw the rest were shocked. Perhaps Kai had been right? They should have spoken alone first. But even in moments of self-realisation, she couldn't admit that she was wrong.

"Your highness," at the sound of his voice she took note of her tears. This time they felt good, "It has come," smiled Kai, his hands folding, "This is the revelation that we have been counseling you on, what the prophecy stated," she focused on how he intertwined his fingers, "And I fully understand if you need time, to take this all in."

She looked up, feeling as though she were floating, "Coul...please... leave me and Kai for a moment," she said quietly.

"Chu," said Lisa, "I don't think,"

"Leave us," she said. Lisa stretched her jaw, but Jennie gently took a hold of her arm, guiding her as the rest of them left the room.

"This is not a game Mr Dupont," Hyuna paced further, "You need to start talking. Do you have any idea what he's been doing? Is doing?"

Elder Dupont's head remained low. Hyuna cursed at the lack of response. E'dawn watched her walk to the corner, biting a part of his lip, he spoke softly, "Sir...he and those who follow his teachings are on a dark path. And this is us attempting to put an end to it. To save someone we care dearly for," he bent down, placing a hand on the old man's knee, "Do you not care? What this might do to millions of people?" he whispered.

Flinching at his touch, the silence rippled until Elder Dupont let out a dark wail, "I di-di-didn't wa-want" he snorted, "neve-rrr thought it would come t-t-o th-this."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" asked Jisoo as Kai remained kneeling in front of her.

"I follow the instructions given to me by Meta," he looked to the side of her, a small crack running down the stone, "I was told to wait for the right time."

"And that is now?" her eyes pierced, and he nodded. The light from outside fell tenderly on his face, "I'm overwhelmed," she leaned forward, fingers dancing in the light making him close his eyes, "Because I can feel that it is the right time too," she said and his eyes fluttered wide, "This explains so much but still..." her gaze bore into him.

Kai reached out for her hand, "Your Highness," he kissed her fingers, "You carry within you something so special. A power that will change not only our kingdom but our world," he scooted closer placing a strand of her hair aside, "But having such immense power brings forth a burden that none of us commoners could ever understand," a corner of his mouth turned lifting an edge of his lip, "But I know," he whispered, "And the rest of the world will soon know, that you are able to bear it. You are the Spirit of Meta, and it is you who will end this war and bring peace upon our kingdom."

Jisoo cupped her other hand over his, "Do you think so? What if I am not able Kai? What if I make the wrong decisions?"

His smile lengthened, "That will not happen," he placed a hand on her chest, her heartbeat even, "You can feel it. Have always felt it," his eyes shone as he looked at her, "No decision you make could ever be wrong. For it is in accordance with Ina/Ana," he placed the back of her fingers against his forehead, "I am so blessed to be in the presence of a god. You are the Light," she broke into a wide smile.

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