GC19 : ChristmasBitches

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Eunhajjang changed We'reInTrouble to ChristmasBitches

Eunhajjang invited BestLeader

EvisuModel : Unnie...

Eunhajjang : Yes?

EvisuModel : Do you HAVE to invite a demon in here!?

BestLeader : Who you calling demon bish!?

EvisuModel : Um... You?

BestLeader : Bitch

EvisuModel : Grandma

RapperRin : Okay now stop you two

AdultMaknae : Eunha unnie, isn't it too early to change the group name?

Eunhajjang : What do you mean early? It's already December and we have like 2 weeks? Before Christmas!! Aren't you excited!!!

AdultMaknae : Yea but.. I don't know what to buy as a present yet..

HoneyVocal : Nope you ain't fool me bish. I saw 6 boxes outside the door and it's all for you

RapperRin : Oh I saw it too! But I thought one was miss delivered cause it has Somi's name?

AdultMaknae : Wait.. Somi's name? Omg Umji bought me a present! And I didn't even bought her anything! I'm such a bad girlfriend!

Eunhajjang : Wait...

BestLeader : Ain't that you Umji?

EvisuModel : SOMI!?

HoneyVocal : GIRLFRIEND!?

RapperRin : PRESENTS!?!?!?

AdultMaknae : Goodbye?

AdultMaknae logged out

BestLeader : We need to talk to her when she gets back...

Eunhajjang : Yea some adult talk...

HoneyVocal : Silently praying it's nothing dirty..

EvisuModel : So.. About Christmas!! Should we decorate the dorm

RapperRin : Since when you're this excited about decorating

EvisuModel : Ever since I've planned how your funeral would look like (•ω•)

RapperRin : .......

HoneyVocal : So.. Anyway... How about we buy a Christmas tree?

EvisuModel : No let's buy a pumpkin!

Eunhajjang : Ain't Halloween passed already

EvisuModel : So? That doesn't mean we can't have pumpkin pie

BestLeader : No! Let's buy a wedding dress!!

Eunhajjang : For?

BestLeader : For our wedding next week *proud* *smirks*

Eunhajjang : Awwww

EvisuModel : Ewwww

RapperRin : Dude.. I rather buy food for myself..

BestLeader : Well clearly you didn't say 'eww' when you were fucking LAST NIGHT!!

EvisuModel : Who says 'eww' when they're fucking? Apparently you're from another planet that moans 'eww~' when fucking

RapperRin : I understand the explanation but I still want an example ฅ'ω'ฅ

EvisuModel : For example..

BestLeader : Oh god.. Please no..

EvisuModel : For example.. When you-

Eunhajjang : How the fuck did this conversation started from Christmas to Pornhub ( ̄. ̄)

HoneyVocal : Guys.. It's Christmas! We need to do something clean for once!?

EvisuModel : Fine~ So let's go shopping for Christmas!!

BestLeader : Leggo!!

RapperRin : Wow the conversation just went from A to Z real fast

Eunhajjang : Wait what about Umji?

HoneyVocal : I've texted her and she said that she will be waiting at the mall

RapperRin : I'll bring the snacks!

BestLeader : I'll bring the money!

Eunhajjang : I'll bring myself!

HoneyVocal : I'll bring some water!

EvisuModel : And I'll bring my future partner *smiles at Yuju*

HoneyVocal : Awww

BestLeader : Ewww!!


Uwu an update!

I hope you like it!

I have no idea what to write so I just put random things that ran pass my brain..





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