GC29 : SINBsWeirdDream

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EunSimple : Sinb! Today is my turn!

YeAdorable : No! Me! It's my turn today! You've had your turn yesterday!

UmEmotional : Shouldn't it be me? Yerin unnie, you agreed to change schedule with me

YuPearl : If it's all of your turns then when is my turn? Huh!

SoPerfect : If y'all are gonna bicker then I will take today's schedule

Others except Sinb : NO

SinTomboy : *sigh* Would you guys stop this already? I'm tired of hearing this everyday! Can't we go back to how we used to? Being friends and bicker about normal stuffs. I'm so done with all of you! I just want all of this to go back to how it was

SinTomboy left the group

SinTomboy logged on

SinTomboy : Huh? Didn't I left the group just now? Why am I still here!? Aish! Now they're gonna bicker about me now! Dumb phone

UmPure logged on

UmEmotional : Sinb? What are doing up this early? It's like... 3am in the morning

SoPerfect logged on

SoPerfect : I heard my phone ding! What are you guys doing this late at night and not sleeping! Now! Sleep!

YeAdorable logged on

YeAdorable : What's all the ruckus in here? I'm sleeping helloooo (¬_¬)

YuPearl logged on

YuPearl : Hey dipshits! What is happening!? I'm trying to sleep here! I was about to get my racer license! (。ŏ_ŏ)

EunSimple logged on

EunSimple : Is it morning already?

SoPerfect : Great now the others are awake! Sinb it's all your fault!

SinTomboy : Wha- my fault!? It was you guys who were bickering about being my girlfriend and stuff and now you're telling me it's my fault!?

EunSimple : Broo... What are you talking about

UmEmotional : G.. Girlfriend? (๏_๏)

YuPearl : Pffttt LMAO Sinb did you have a nightmare

YeAdorable : HAHAHAA Who wants to be your girlfriend dipshit? XD

SinTomboy : B... But... Didn't you guys...

SoPerfect : Ughhh... I will deal with you in the morning when THE SUN is already up. So kids go back to bed now

UmEmotional : Yes mom!

UmEmotional logged off

EunSimple : YES SLEEP

EunSimple logged off

YuPearl : Still... Girlfriend? Seriously Sinb? Pffftttt HAHAHA

YuPearl logged off

YeAdorable : Bitch... You're so funny. I will remember this till my grave! Now gotta go steal Yuju's racer license. Ciao!

YeAdorable logged off

SoPerfect : Now Sinb... Go to sleep

SinTomboy : B.. But... This-

SoPerfect : I SAID SLEEP

SinTomboy logged off

SoPerfect : Good. Now time for me to search YouTube on how to punish your insolent child

SoPerfect logged off


Hi guys! Long time no see! Sorry that I've been inactive for the past months

I've got to study and all these quarantine stuff is really stressing me out

Well long story short, as you can see I changed their names (again) and it's based on their new concept photo (my girls) for their newest album (回:Walpurgis Night)

I think that's easier to remember so put those and so... Yea I guess that's all to say?

Oh yeah a really big thanks to all of you who had voted and read this book's contents! So... Happy 8k reads to this book!

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Thank you♡ Love & Support♡

Next chapter will be up in a few days I swear!❤

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