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AFTER KUILL'S DEPARTURE, AMELIA AND MANDO crept up to the ledge of the cliff they were on, leaving the blurrgs behind them. They crouched down so their stomachs were touching the sandy ground. Mando pulled out a telescope-like object — the scope itself being much more high-tech — and scanned the area. Amelia squinted, attempting to make out the people below. Giving up, she turned to Mando.

"What do you see?" She asked him.

     He put down the telescope, turning towards her. "There are a lot of mercenaries down there, Amelia. We'll have to plan carefully if we want to make it out alive."

Amelia nodded, showing that she understood, and Mando put the scope back to his eye.

"Oh, no," She heard him murmur shortly after. It caused the woman to sit up against the ground, her boots and pants scraping against the terrain as she readjusted herself.

"What is it?" She questioned, panic evident in her eyes. She couldn't help it. Every time something happened — from travelling to a new planet to a slight shift in Mando's demeanour — she couldn't help but let her mind wander to the Empire.

Mando put the scope down again, letting out a sigh as he said, "Bounty droid." Amelia felt herself cam down a little bit at the words. She was safe once again.

Suddenly, the two heard a robotic voice ring out across the area. "Subparagraph Sixteen of the Bondsman Guild Protocol waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset," it said. It must have been the droid.

     Amelia jumped suddenly at the first sound of a blaster shot ringing through the air. Mando noticed his sudden movement and looked at her, but said nothing.

Finally, the firing stopped. Mando stood and muttered, "Droids." Before racing down towards the buildings below. Amelia was quick to follow him.

As the duo made it down and hid behind a building, they heard the droid repeat, "Subparagraph Sixteen of the Bondsman Guild Protocol waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset." Amelia turned to walk out of cover, but Mando put an arm out to stop her.

"You stay here," He whispered, "I've got armour, and that thing could shoot at any time." Amelia nodded at him slowly, and Mando turned into the open. "Eye-Gee unit, stand down!" He ordered.

The droid, which was an IG-11, to be specific, turned and shot at Mando. The shot hit him and Mando fell back into a few barrels. Amelia ran out in response, crouching down to his level. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

Mando nodded at her. "Yeah. I'm fine." He then sat up, holding the tracking fob up for the droid to see. "We're in the Guild!" He yelled at it.

     "You two are Guild members?" Amelia heard IG-11 say as she helped Mando to his feet. "I thought I was the only one on assignment."

     "That makes three of us," Mando commented as he finally got to his feet and hid behind the nearest pillar, Amelia following. He seemed to be waiting for more enemies. "So much for the element of surprise."

     "Sadly, I must ask for your fob," IG-11 told the two. "I have already issued the writ of seizure. The bounty is mine."

     Amelia groaned and glared at the droid. "Yeah, rust-bucket. That's gonna be a no from us."

     Mando, always much better in conversation with other bounty hunters, stepped in. "Unless I'm mistaken, you are, as of yet, empty handed." He stated. The IG unit seemed to consider this.

     "This is true," It said in response.

     "I have a suggestion."


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