Part 8

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Dear Diary,
It has been three weeks since the last time I talked to Marlon but, Jackson has been a huge distraction and I don't mind it. Jackson has kept my mind focused on school and also been showing me a lot of love. I guess this is what I been missing. This is the love he has always showed me which is why I love him and want to have children with him but it's something about Marlon that make me risk it all. Maybe because Jackson is so nice and Marlon is so... mature, aggressive, and experienced. So for three weeks I've been focusing on school and completing applications for college. I haven't seen Leigh or Marlon because of their family trip they take every year. It's killing me softly not being able to talk to him or see him. Jackson and I have come so close to fucking so many nights but he still on his waiting game. I don't know how much longer I can actually keep this up. A girl has needs and Marlon is what I NEED! I've been looking at vibrators online but I just don't know if it's going to feel the same.  I wonder I just wonder if he'll actually leave his wife...  I mean I'm about to go off to college I'll be 19 in a couple weeks before graduation. I mean he don't even have to leave his wife I just don't want him to leave me. At least not right now. Ugh, I feel like I'm talking crazy and I think I am. I wasn't the same person I use to be when Jackson and I got together and I'm not sure how to feel about it. Marlon makes me feel like I'm suppose to be a grown woman. Making big moves once i get to college. I feel like Jackson makes me feel restricted. Maybe I'm not ready to be with him. I just want what I can't have at this point he got me ready to even invite his wife if that means I can be with him. I know that wouldn't even b--

*Incoming text message from Marlon*

Marlon: Heading back in town, miss that pretty face and them lips... both pair. Text me a location and I'm there when I'm back home tomorrow.

I reread the message about 5 times before I realized I was getting him alone again. I jumped up excited as fuck. Fuck Yes!  I looked in the mirror and started twerking to a beat in my head. "Yeah, you know you couldn't stay away from this too long." I stood up, I knew I needed to get my nails done again and Jackson is paying for that today. I put my hair in a pony making sure every piece of hair was in its place. Grabbed my lip gloss and puckered my lips after applying the clear gloss. My phone started to vibrate again before I walked out my room door.

*Incoming text message from Marlon*

Marlon: Heads up, my wife will be with me so keep it sweet.

My heart dropped... Because what the fuck do she need to come for? Sick of this bitch. After my nails I need to go shopping. Shit I need a massage if I'm really going to relax and pull my mind together to be with them both. What's the purpose behind this? Have they told Leigh already?

I spent all day wondering what it was that they both needed to meet me. I also couldn't think of any place to meet them other than my house. My mom is gone until graduation and it's the only place that seems safe enough to discuss what needs to be discussed tomorrow. He said keep it sweet so I decided not to buy anything new, instead I'll wear some around the house clothes so the Mrs. won't feel threaten. When I got home I went straight to bed I had to prepare for the next day mentally.

As usual my alarm went off at 6:30 a.m. I hopped up did my usual morning routine and headed for a jog. I needed this because my head was still processing me hosting this sit down with Marlon and his wife. After my jog I went home showered and made myself breakfast.  Sitting at the table I look over at the time on the stove and it's 9:45 a.m. I wasn't sure when they were coming but I sent him a text with telling him to meet at my house. 

*Incoming text from Marlon* 

Marlon: Pulling up in 10 minutes.

TEN MINUTES!! The panic came back and I started running to my room. Breathe bitch, breathe was all i could tell myself at the moment. I don't know what kind of tricks they had up their sleeves but I know I need to remain calm because I wasn't getting up from the meeting if Marlon was leaving the picture. I already had my basic outfit planned in my head. In the closet I found my workout shorts... the ones I wore to see Marlon the first time and a black off the should tank, no bra, no socks. Looking in the mirror I smiled and wished myself good luck before heading back to the kitchen. I stood by the window in the kitchen and watched them park across the street from my house. Taking another deep breathe I walked to the door and opened it. Marlon got out the car first, gave me a nod before walking to the passenger side to open the door for his wife. Oh, he's a gentleman too. They walked up the driveway with Mrs. Evans in front I greeted her first. 

"Mrs. Evans." I said with a smile.

"Asha. Cut the shit." She said coldly.

"Mr. Evans." I smiled with nothing but teeth showing, I was too happy to see him.

"Asha." he kissed me on the forehead and went inside the house.

Mrs. Evans was already sitting at the kitchen island, Marlon sat beside her and I went around to stand in front of them. 

"Umm, I have water if you need some?" I stated looking from Marlon to Mrs. Evans.

Mrs. Evans spoke up first. "We don't intend to be here long matter fact I'm just going to make this short for you, I'm not going to tell Leigh about this nonsense y'all had going on because today is the LAST day I say to you, Stay. Away. From. MY family. Leigh graduation party is coming up and you won't be there for whatever good enough reason you can come up with. Do you got it?!"

I looked at Marlon and he looked defeated. So this is real, he really just gonna let his wife do all the talking for him.

"No need to look at him, he won't be here to help you along the way no more. Be sure you choose a school that's no where near Leigh I don't need you embarrassing her when she go off to college."

"Seriously?" I asked. I leaned back on the counter behind me and stared at Mrs. Evans.

"Do what she say and everything will be fine. I just want to put this behind us."

I shot him a look of disbelief because I couldn't believe he was actually backing her."

"Do what I tell you and shit will be very easy for you Asha." he calmly stated.

I remembered him telling me this in the classroom before he left for his trip the same thing.. so I oblige and pulled myself together.

"Fine Mrs. Evans, you get your wish. No party, no Leigh. Got it." I started walking towards the door.  Mrs. Evans cleared her throat before getting down off the bar stool before making her "I won" walk towards the door.

"It was nice chatting with you Asha, be sure to tell your mother I love what she has done to the place and look forward to seeing her at the graduation party." With her fake smile she started walking down to the car.

"Asha, behave and do what I say everything will be fine." he smacked my ass before leaving out the door. 

When I closed the door I slid down to the floor and leaned my head back... This is about to be a long three weeks...

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