A morning to remember-Part 5

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You woke up from a dreamless sleep to see Niffty, still clutching you tightly in her arms.

Y/N:Hey Niffty, it's time to wake up.

You nudge her slightly, and she begins to awake.

Niffty: H-hey Y/N.

She seemed to still be half asleep.

Niffty:Can we just sleep a little more? You're so warm and soft.

Y/N: Tell you what Niffty. You get up now and I do anything you tell me to for today.

Niffty widened her eyes and jumped up with excitement.

Y/N: Well that was fast. Let me make the bed, and then we can get started.

Niffty: No silly! It's my job to clean up and cook. I'll make the bed. You get ready for today. I'll make breakfast.

Y/N: If you say so.

You walk to the common area and sit down at a table. You take a minute to think about Niffty, but then you break out of your trance and realize. Your in hell! She must have done something terrible to get in here. And that makes you begin to sob.

'How can such a sweet person do something terrible. Maybe their just trying to trick you by being so nice.' You thought.

Even though it has only been a day, you and Niffty seem to have bonded so quickly.

The thought of her betraying you causes tears to form in your eyes.

Niffty walks in the room.

Niffty: Hey Y/N! Hope you like panca-

She notices how distraught you are and quickly rushes over, the speed of her movement picking up a cloud of dust.

Niffty: Are you Okay? Did someone bully you. What did Husk say.

Y/N: I'm fine, I was just think about you.

Niffty: But your crying. Oh no. Did I do something wrong?

A tear forms in her eye

Niffty: Please don't hate me. I really like you and I-

You cut her off and hugged her.

Y/N: No you didn't do anything. You're perfect just like you are.

Niffty: th-thank you.

Y/N: Now what do you want me to do. It can last the whole day.

Niffty took a minute to contemplate before grinning wildly and saying:

Niffty: I want you to go on a date with me.

You where surprised by this.

Y/N: you mean like right now?

Niffty: Yes

You thought for a moment.

Y/N: Okay, but first I need to get ready. I'm going to get dressed. I'll see you in a little.

~End of part 5~

A deep bond (Niffty x male!teen!reader)Where stories live. Discover now