Labor - Part 26

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You were sitting in the lobby while Niffty was cleaning. She had been slacking off because she was spending so much time with you, so today she wanted to get back to work.

Niffty: This place is so filthy!

Charlie: Yeah I know, I was thinking of hiring someone else to help do more cleaning.

Vaggie: We really could use some help.

Niffty: I hope you find someone soon. This place is disgusting. No offense.

Charlie was thinking about find more people to hire. She was looking at her connections to see who would make a good helper.

You stood up and walked over to Charlie.

Y/N: Would you mind if I could be hired. I don't really have anything to do here.

Charlie's eyes lit up.

Charlie: Would you really be willing to help? It would mean soooo much to us!

Y/N: Sure, I've got an eternity!

You looked at Charlie and Vaggie. Vaggie gave a disgusted look while Charlie pretended to laugh.

Charlie: Okay, first we need you to mop the floors.

You took the mop and bucket and began to work. It seemed pretty easy, and anything you get to do with Niffty makes you happy. Even though you were working hard, you never seemed more relaxed. Maybe it was because everyone you talk to seems to either want to date you or keep you away from Niffty.

After all the work was done in the main hall. You went Room by room, it wasn't to much work since not many people had been to the hotel yet.

First rooms were Charlie & Vaggie. They were out doing business, so you quickly made their beds and vacuumed the floors. They both looked like pretty standard rooms

You then went to husks room. It reeked of alcohol. He was at the bar, so you quickly picked up the bottles and broken glass, and left an air freshener in his room. You noticed he had a lot off used tissues on the ground. He must be sick; either that or he's still not over what happened between him and Niffty.

You then went up to the next room. You opened the door

Angel: Hey! Knock first! I'm putting on my makeu- o-Oh... H-hey y/n.

You really didn't want to talk to Angel but you thought that you could just clean his room and be done.

Y/n: I'm just here to clean your room, then I'm leaving.

Angel: Okay

You went about your business trying to make as little eye contact as possible. His room was odd, the blankets were very bright and pink, and he had a little pet pig next to his bed.

You finally finished, but as you left the room...

Angel: Hey Y/N! I just wanna say that I'm really sorry for what I did. I'm not really great at being nice to people, but please accept my apology. I hope we can become friends again.

You didn't know what to think. Does he really think that he can be forgiven after that weak apology.

You decided to just walk out and close the door behind you.

And with that you were done. Other than Alastor, but something told you not to enter his room.

You decided to go back to the main dining hall.

End of part 26

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