Cliff Diving

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At the edge of the cliff I stand listening

Arms spread wide, feet together

Over looking an ocean forever waving

Leaning against the wind as it whips my hair

The clouds are graying; I've been here only seconds

"Boom" I hear the thunder and slowly close my eyes

The wind picks up and the rain hugs my cheeks

Opening my eyes I look down

Waves crashing on the shore draw my attention

Sadly I lower my arms and let out a sigh

Turning to walk back I suddenly stop

Smirking i turn once more

Facing the ocean again

Without a second thought I quickly leap

Airborne now I close my eyes, spread my arms like an eagle, and smile

taking in a deep breathe i open my eyes

The ocean quickly approaching

Turning head first placing my arms above my head

Closing my eyes i counted down


First my arms hit the water, then my head

Fully submerged now i swim up for air

Getting tossed around by waves as i struggled

One strong wave tosses me against the cliff

With a jump I awoke, wishing i could see the ending to my dream  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2012 ⏰

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