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It's been about two days since the whole Dark Owl speel and it's been rather relaxing, Chatte's heat ended with nothing more between us than that one kiss and yesterday I made my comeback as Drakon while on night patrol. But that right now wasn't my concern. My concern right now was the out of control buss barreling down Main street. "You two take care of the bus I'll get people out of the way." I told Chatte and Ladybug

"On it Drakon" Ladybug said

I got fifty odd people out of the buss's way and had them send  out on social media about what was going on as then numbers became less and less on the street thanks to the warnings I'd asked everyone to spread around, which was a relief.  We managed to stop the bus and get everyone off safely. "So Drakon your a guy how do you ask one out?" Chatte asked out of nowhere.

"Just ask and make sure you are telling the guy everything to get the message across. Why you going to ask Lloyd out?" I asked

"No I just well we really don't know one another that well other than for our usual tea outings and such but we never can get personal in a public area so how does a rooftop dinner sound the three of us?" Chatte asked

"Erm I have plans with friends tonight" Ladybug said

Yup she and the others are going to Andre's Ice cream later today. "Well I have a few things to do with my family and my personal life, but other than that I'm game" I told Chatte. I had homework, and Sensei training today. I was already running late for the last one with Alya.

"Well once your both done or your finished early drop on by" Chatte said

"See you then" I told her before jumping off and barely making it to my training with Alya.

Once that was done I got home and did my homework as fast as I could before dinnertime. Mari was cooking tonight. "Lloyd Dinner!" Mom called out

"Coming" I returned putting my books away into my bag for tomorrow.

We ate dinner in our usual talkative manner. "And for desert" Dad said once Mari had cleared away the dishes placing a tart aux fruits in front of us.

"Wow, but no thanks dad" Mari said

"But isn't this your favorite?" Dad asked confused

"She's going out with Friends tonight to get Ice cream at Andre's" I loosely chuckled

"Oh sweetheart's Ice cream" Mom and dad swooned

"Your father proposed to me there" Mom said

I smiled slightly at this it was romantic in it's own way, right.  "Who are you going with?" Dad asked before Mari bolted for the door.

I could only smile as she left. "She's trying to get the ice cream with Ari, Dad" I said fighting to hold back a laugh

"Oh I thought Mari would end up with someone like Nathan or your Friend Nino." Dad said

"Nope, part of the reason why I'm not going that and right now I'm trying to figure somethings out about myself especially in the love department" I explained shaking my head a bit.

Mom and dad both gave me a hug before we dug into the tart. "So what was the other reason for not going?" Mom asked

"Erm Chatte asked for a meet up and Drakon couldn't make it so I plan on going in his place" I explained looking at the clock see that I had about fifteen minutes to find the roof top before it began.

I grabbed my plate and took it to the sink. "See you all later. I got some rooftop hunting to do"I said hugging them good-bye.

As Drakon I already told Chatte than other than for an akuma I couldn't get away, but I'd be sending Lloyd to her instead. She was extremely happy about it. I wanted to go as me for a few reasons mainly to see what she thinks of both sides of myself and maybe talking her into getting over well Lloyd and going out with Drakon instead. As Drakon I'm free to be myself whether it be a goofball or a serious leader, but as Lloyd I constantly have to keep on my guard, follow rules, and remain true to my lessons.

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