The end

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Leonidas pointed his finger at Alexander and signaled him to come.

"What do you want?" Alexander retorted, making a face

"You." Leonidas said, and with that, one of his servants went over to Alexander and dragged him over to where he was marked to die. The crows got moving, following the servant, Alexander and Leonidas. As they arrived at the top of a hill, the crowds got into their places.

"Tie him up." Leonidas said calmly. One of the servants got a rope and pushed Alexander onto a stake. The servant wrapped the rope around his hand and feet. Restraining him.

"Get the darts." Leonidas announced. Two servants came, one holding gasoline and cotton balls, the other one holding darts. The first servant poured some gasoline on a cotton ball and put it on a dart. The other one took a torch, light the dart and threw it and Alexander. 

The crowd gasped. They threw another one and this time Alexander tried to dodge it, but instead it his his ear and started bleeding. Some people in the crowd started to cringe.

"You only get one more shot. Make it count." Leonidas said, grinning. The two servants simultaneously threw darts on the either side of Alexander, assuring a hit. The first dart hit Alexander's right eye. The eye started to bleed profusely.

"Ahhh!" the crowd screamed, accompanied by some Ohhhs and Ahhhs. The second dart hit Alexander right in his chest. Alexander started to scream and cry, blood was dripping from what seemed like every part of his body. He was slowly dying.

"Leave!" Leonidas exclaimed, summoning his servants. The crowd started to disperse until all were gone. 

"Nooo!! Don't do this to meee!!" wailed Alexander, crying while saying them, pain in his words. Soon all were gone. Even Leonidas had left him there. 

The sun set fast that evening. The coldness of the night slowly creeping up on the Kingdom of Faria.


The barely rose over the trees, casting rectangles of light onto the sleeping houses and the castle. The morning came as fast as the night had come. Everything in Faria went on in it's, normal, fast paced way. Everyone but one.

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