six - trust

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briar: i know you're at police academy and won't be able to talk for a while.

briar: but it's been lonely without talking to you.

briar: extremely lonely.

messages deleted


it was true. she missed talking to him once he was gone. there was no cute texts to wake up to that brought a tired smile to her face. she hadn't felt this alone for a while. that was because he was a special friend to her. much more than she could say. noah made her smile on days she didn't want to.

noah had taken time off all technology as police academy took his full attention. it was hard being without something once you got so used to it. briar couldn't put into words how much he had impacted her life since he first comforted her, despite being a complete stranger because over the weeks.. she had trusted him more and more. it had felt like she'd known him longer than the actual time she had.

of course, it wasn't the end of the world. she had other friends. a job. and things she liked to do in her spare time when she wasn't working. continue watching glee for the thousandth time, or ordering a takeout and watching a movie on her couch. not to mention shopping at the mall. briar was a sucker for a good trip to the mall.

living in cali with places to go. things to see. sometimes she would go surfing at the beach, or dance at the in-town dance studio. when she had time to. it wasn't always so lonely. well, not as much as it seemed. she had quite a few friends.. but the blonde wasn't best friend close with all of them. very little of them were people she hung out with regularly enough to call a good friend.

however, recently, she had started talking to shelby again. the brunette was on holiday in miami, fl. it was a bit of a stretch but briar did want to see her friend again soon.


shelbs: i miss u!

briar: i miss you too! i would fly out to miami but my holiday isn't until may :(

shelbs: it's okay! i'll fly out to los angeles soon and we can meet up! :)

briar: i look forward to that! <3

shelbs: me 2! <3


noah had worked endlessly in police academy. he was set on being a police officer, but to do that, he needed to put 110% into his work ethic. it was going to take a lot more than a good prayer to graduate and actually qualify for patrol. he'd gotten his degree in law and had gone to university. he wanted this and refused to let anything get in the way.

isaiah had told him he was making a mockery of himself and that becoming a professional dancer / artist would be so much easier. he told him that him pretending to be good at rapping wasn't a talent. that had offended zay ; noah hadn't cared less. he was a terrible friend for putting him down like that. how could they be friends when he didn't even encourage him to follow his dreams?

people always thought he was joking when he said he wanted to be a patrol officer. laughed at him. didn't take him seriously and said it would be funny to see him in uniform. it was kinda degrading as all he wanted was to work his way up and be the best patrol officer he could be.

honestly, if it wasn't for briar, he wouldn't have even taken his one chance at following his dreams. her story had inspired him to take the plunge. a leap of faith. and that it didn't matter if people told him otherwise. if he worked for it, he should be able to do what he wants.

every day he remembered what she told him as he became one step closer to becoming an officer.

"your dreams are the most important step to making your ideal reality. letting one voice convince you that you shouldn't listen to your heart means you are letting it all go down the drain. you only live once. do what you want to do."



A/N; I sincerely apologise for this chapter. It's a bit trashy. :0
- a bit of a time skip for storyline purposes. not sure how long this story is gonna be but i will write about what happens to noah in police academy.
- yes, isaiah is kinda problematic I this story. he's the overenthusiastic, secretly mean friend. ( oops *gasps* )

definitely going to be writing a chapter 7 though. and briar's day on the job will be mentioned, despite this story being mostly a messaging based story. :)

anyways, hope you're enjoying the story!

- em (•ө•)♡

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