Daltyn's song

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Hi, my name is Ashley. I'm 16 years old,and I was diagnosed with anorexia triggered. I go through struggles everyday, with my family, my friends , and the way I live my life. I wish I would've listened to my best friend when she warned me not to join

the cheerleading team,the cheerleaders are disgusting, there anorexic and not even seeking help, and they've slept with every guy on all the sports teams....But I wanted to be popular , and being one of them was the only way...There was only one reason I wanted to be popular, Daltyn Gage. He was beyond perfect,..brown side swept hair, and the most beautiful misty grey eyes, pale skin, and the brightest most beautiful smile. I was so into him...I wish I would've known what he was really like so I could've saved my self...

Chapter 2

It's Saturday night, me and amber are at the pizza shop waiting for our pizza to be done,when Daltyn walks in, of course I had to stare and have him totally catch me. So he walks over and I feel like an ass.

"Hey aren't you in my class?..your Ashley right??"

"Yeah, and your Daltyn, what's up"

"Nothing much, about to go back to my house...wonna come with me.... But no friends,I wanna have some alone time with you."

I look at amber. She shrugs."see ya later Ash"

She leaves. I stare at Daltyn and he sits down, a slight breeze blows and I smell his cologn. Hollister, my favorite:)...

" so Ashley, your a cheerleader, and your absolutely amazing at it, how did you get so good."

"Aww thanks, practice makes perfect right?"

" haha yeah, hey how bout you ditch the pizza and let's go to my house."

" Kay. Lets go"

**at Daltyns house**

"God your house is so huge,what are your parents,like million airs

Or something!!?"

" haha no, my moms a lawyer who always wins her cases and my dads a doctor."

"Ohhh cool Daltyn"

"Yeah but..... Are u a virgin?"

" umm yeah why?"

" because I was wondering ........

Daltyn's songWhere stories live. Discover now