1- New Kid

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I decided to re-do this story...again heh.. I hope you all enjoy!! The uniforms I described are supposed to be like in the picture above btw :3 

**Gajeel P.O.V**

Gajeel awoke to his alarm beeping loudly. He groaned and rolled over, tapping his phone's screen to shut it up. He flopped onto his back again and felt a light weight hop onto his chest. He looked down to see his cat, Lily, sitting on him. "Hey boy, you hungry?" Lily meowed in response and hopped off the bed, looking back and meowing at Gajeel from the door. Gajeel chuckled and got up, walking to the small kitchen to feed Lily. Gajeel ate a quick breakfast of toast and eggs before heading back to his room where he stripped and showered. 

After his shower Gajeel threw on the uniform for his new school, cringing when he looked in the mirror. The uniform wasn't the worst he'd ever seen, but it was too preppy for his taste. The pants were khaki with a white checker pattern. He wore a white button up with a red tie under a light orange sweater vest. His usual wardrobe consisted mostly of black, so the light colors were unsettling. He decided to slide on a dark red headband to keep his his hair out of his face, then grabbed his black backpack and slid on black boots.

"Bye Lily" he said, petting his cat before leaving the room. Gajeel had moved into Fairy Tail High's dorms on Saturday, but had stayed in his room all weekend, not wanting to deal with anyone. It hadn't been his idea to go to this preppy, private school, and he knew he didn't belong- he was a delinquent- but he accepted the invite after getting expelled from his last school. 

He was lost in thought as he walked to campus, and almost didn't notice someone- literally- run into his back. Whoever it was let out a small "oof" sound before falling to their butt. Gajeel turned and looked down to see a petite girl with wavy blue hair that reached her shoulders."Ow" she said, rubbing her  behind. 

Gajeel extended his hand to her. "Want some help?" he asked, awkwardly. The girl looked at him with chocolate brown eyes and took his hand. 

"Thank you" she said, dusting herself off after standing. She was quite short, not even reaching Gajeel's shoulder. She wore the female version of his uniform; a white blouse under a sweater the same color as his vest. Instead of a red tie she had a bow, and a skirt with dark gray tights instead of pants. A gray headband kept her bangs out of her eyes and she clutched a book to her chest. "I'm so sorry, I should really watch where I'm going" she said with an embarrassed smile.  

"Yer fine,  I think it hurt you more than me" Gajeel replied. 

"Yeah, probably" the girl said with a giggle. "I've never seen you before, are you new?" 

"Yeah, just moved in Saturday." 

"Well it's nice to meet you! I'm Levy" the girl said with a bright smile.. 

"I'm Gajeel" he mumbled. 

"Well it was nice meeting you, but we should head to class before we're both late. I'll see you around!" she called over her shoulder as she jogged towards the school entrance. It took Gajeel a few minutes to find his first class and he wandered in just after the bell rang. 

"I will excuse your tardiness today because you are new, Mr. Redfox, but do not make a habit of it" the teacher scolded. Gajeel nodded and sat at an empty desk. The teacher, who introduced himself as Macao Conbolt, went back to the lecture, but Gajeel spaced out and didn't hear any of it. 

**Levy's P.O.V** 

Levy arrived just in time for her first class, panting heavily from running. "Why are you so late? And so breathless?" Lucy, aka Lu-chan, whispered as the small blunette slid into the seat next to her. She was Levy's best friend, and they always sat next to each other in first period. 

"I was reading and bumped into someone, he's new and we talked for a minute." Levy whispered back. 

"What?" Lu-chan asked, a little too loud. 

"Do you have something to share with the class?" Professor Ichiya asked. 

"Nope! Sorry" Lu-chan answered. Professor Ichiya eyed her suspiciously, but went back to the lecture. "Tell me everything later" Lu-chan whispered. The girls parted ways after first period, but met back up at lunch. "Okay, spill!" Lu-chan said, loudly, as Levy plopped onto the bench beside her at their usual table. The rest of their friend turned their attention to the girls. 

"Spill what?" Erza asked. 

"Levy said there's a new kid" Lu-chan stated. 

"Oh yeah, I saw him. He looks kind of scary" Wendy said. 

"He seemed nice" Levy stated, remembering how he helped her up, though she did admit his appearance was a little unnerving. She couldn't deny he was handsome, but he was very tall and, from what she could tell, muscular. Plus his face was full of piercings. 

Lu-chan raised an eyebrow. "What happened exactly?" she asked. 

"Not much. I was reading" 

"And walking? You know that never ends well for you" Lu-chan interrupted. 

"Yeah I know but I just wanted to finish the chapter! Anyway, I bumped into him and kinda fell on my butt"Everyone laughed, causing Levy's cheeks to turn pink. She crossed her arms and huffed, pouting. 

"Sorry, continue" Lu-chan said, wiping her eyes. 

"I fell and he helped me up. I asked his name and then we parted ways. That's all." 

"Not nearly as exciting as I was hoping" Lu-chan said, dropping her chin into her palm and sighing in disappointment. 

"It's pretty funny though" Natsu chuckled, causing Levy to pout again. She knew she was small and clumsy, but it got embarrassing when everyone teased her for it. She knew they didn't mean any harm, but she couldn't help it. 

"Hey Levy!" Jet greeted, plopping down next to the small girl. 

"Good afternoon!" Droy chimed in, sitting on her other side. Levy smiled at the boys who were like her own personal fan club. Levy knew they had a crush on her, but they knew she didn't feel the same about them. That didn't stop them from adoring her though, and it was always flattering; no other guys had ever shown her that kind of attention. 

"Hey, what have you boys been up to?" Levy asked. She listened while they complained about their classes and how much homework the teachers assigned. 

"I wish we were as smart as you, Levy" Jet said with a smile. Levy was always the top of her class, in every subject. She loved to learn, though that often got her teased. She wasn't super popular at school; being so small didn't draw any attention from the guys, other than teasing her for being such a nerd. 

"You're too nice" she said, though she looked down. She liked being smart, but she wished people would notice her for more than just her brain. 

"They're right Lev, you're like, the smartest person I know!" Lu-chan said, and everyone voiced their agreement. Levy smiled, she knew she shouldn't ever feel down about herself. Not with friends as amazing as the ones she had, and they always knew how to cheer her up. 

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