2- Cafeteria Fight

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**Levy P.O.V** 

Levy woke up and stretched, her joints crack as she did so. She got up and went though her morning routine; shower, clothes, hair, breakfast, teeth. Grabbing her bag, and her new book, Levy made her way out of her dorm and down the stairs where she met up with a smiling Lu-chan, Wendy, Erza, and Juvia in the common area. "Morning girls!" Levy called happily.

"Morning Lev!" Lu-chan greeted, sliding her arm through Levy's. "Is that a new book?" 

"Yeah, I finished the other one yesterday in Study Hall so I went to the Library and swapped it for this one." 

"What's it about?" Wendy asked. 

"A princess and a dragon, who changes into a man" Levy replied. She had started reading it last night and didn't want to put it down. She couldn't wait until Study Hall so she could continue the enthralling story.

"Our little book worm" Erza said with a chuckle. Levy blushed, but she couldn't deny it; reading was her passion. Levy loved to learn, but literature was her favorite subject, along with foreign languages. 

The day seemed to drag on until it was finally lunch, which meant Levy had Study Hall next and could finally read her book again; the wait had been killing her. She was in line with Lu-chan getting their lunch when they heard someone yell. Levy turned her attention to where the commotion was to find the new guy, Gajeel, arguing with Natsu and Gray. 

"Uh oh" Lu-chan said, rushing out to see what happened, Levy following close behind.  

"What happened?" Lu-chan asked Natsu. 

"Dumbass Gray pushed me and I fell into Metal Head over here." Natsu explained. 

"The fuck did ya just call me?" Gajeel growled. "You made me dump my lunch all over myself!" 

"You pushed me first!" Gray protested. The three boys continued to argue until Erza walked over and smacked Gray and Natsu on the head. 

"Apologize" Erza scolded. 

"Sorry" the two mumbled. Gajeel simply grunted in response. 

"They will not bother you again" Erza assured. Natsu and Gray gulped before Erza dragged them away by their ears.  

**Gajeel P.O.V** 

Those dumb bastards had caused Gajeel to ruin his sweater vest, not that he really cared, but he didn't want to get blamed for their idiocy. "Sorry about them" the girl, who Gajeel recalled had introduced herself as Levy, mumbled. Gajeel huffed but didn't respond. "I know they can be morons, but they are nice guys." 

"Whatever" Gajeel said, not caring what she said to defend her friends. She looked down as he turned and walked away. "I need to go clean up" he told the lunch monitor, who nodded and allowed him to leave. He walked to the bathroom where he tried to wash the stains out of his shirt, giving up when he noticed it wasn't helping. He stripped it off, leaving him in just his button up, and tossed it in the trash. 

The bell rang and Gajeel exited the bathroom, making his way to his next class. He got their early and sat in the back, not wanting to be around the other preps. Everyone at the school acted like they had a stick up their ass, just as Gajeel had suspected, and he'd only been there for two days. People gave him suspicious looks, and he could hear them whisper behind his back, not that he cared; he wasn't looking to make friends with anyone. He didn't need friends. 

The rest of the day dragged on, but someone was waiting outside his last class when he got out. "What do you want, Gramps?" Gajeel asked the short man who ran the school. Makarov was the one who had invited Gajeel to Fairy Tail High, and he owed him. He wasn't sure where he'd be without the old man. 

"Just wanted to check up on you, see how you're liking the school. I heard a few of the other students caused you some trouble today."

"It was nothing" Gajeel muttered, not wanting to discuss the idiotic pink head who he'd wanted to punch in the cafeteria. 

"If you say so. Making any friends?" 

"I don't need friends" Gajeel replied. He respected the old man, but he didn't want him butting into his personal life. 

"If you say so" Makarov replied. "If you need anything, you know where to find me." The old man waved as he walked away, leaving Gajeel surprised; he had expected a lecture on getting to know people. He shrugged and headed back to his dorm, wanting to be alone with his cat and away from his shitty class mates. 

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