Chapter One

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"Get that ass up!" I yelled at my brother. "Now Asher. Leila is gonna kill you if your late. That new kid is starting today, you know the one that is coming to play ball." That got his attention.

"Why do you always wake me up like this. How do you have so much energy?" He groaned. I just laughed and walked out. Honestly, the reason I always have so much energy is that I am always up early getting myself ready... I mean after all I am a lady it takes time for us to look as good as we do. Plus I ride to school with JJ who for some reason always wants to be a little early so he can flirt with the entire female body, with the exception of my of course. No doubt due to me being Asher Adams sister. I swear being in with their crowd has its perks, but makes dating a little tricky because everyone on the team treats me like a little sister. My current boyfriend however he deals with it.It helps that he plays basketball.

"Yo Lola JJ's here!" Asher yelled from downstairs. I grabbed my jacket and hopped down the stairs.

"Morning JJ." I smiled. See JJ and I have an odd relationship. He's my best friend thanks to him being one of Ash's best friends and teammates. But we always joke about our relationship. He holds my hand sometimes, we go do things together like going to the movies or getting food, when he doesn't have a girl on his arm he walks me to class, hell he even dumped one girl cause she tried to tell him he couldn't hang out with me like he does.

"Sup Lo you ready to go? Cassie is waiting for me." He smirked. Lord this boy will never stop. Yesterday it was Cassie's bestie. 

"Yep, Josh is prolly going to be waiting anyways." I smiled and grabbed my bag, following his to his car. "Bye bub see you later." I yelled back at Asher. JJ and I hit the road listening to our normal playlist until we pulled into the parking lot and he shut the car off. "Ooooh there's Cassie." I joked around with him, but he seemed off. He was just looking around the parking lot.

"Yea but wheres your boy at? He's normally here already." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Prolly still in the gym. I'll see you later JJ." I jumped out of the car, waving to Cassie as I headed for the gym. It was only a short walk from the lot to the gym so I just jogged it, but before I even got to the door I ran into a couple making out. "You know you guys could do that where people don't slam into you when they come around the corner." As the guy turned around my jaw dropped. "Are you serious Josh?! Really your gonna cheat on me?! Not just cheat on me but embarrass me and do it at the school?! A whole year down the drain just like that!" I started yelling. I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"Lolo baby It just happened. I swear I didn't mean it baby I didn't I swear!" He pleaded, but I didn't believe him. He was only scared of what's going to happen when Ash finds out or JJ. I won't even have to tell them though, word travels fast around here.

"Whats going on over here?" Olivia came walking up, meaning Jordan isn't far behind. I shook my head and took off for the closest bathroom. I dropped to the floor and let my tears fall. I never did anything to deserve this. I was loyal and caring. I bought him nice things...

"Lola? I'm coming in." I heard my brother yell into the bathroom. I just sat there until I felt my big brothers arms around me. "Lo what happened? When I pulled up Olivia ran up and told me you took off, and that Josh was standing there." I just cried harder.

"He.. he cheated on me Ash. Josh cheated on me. I don't even know why. He tried to say he was sorry... but he was only doing that because he didn't want you guys to be mad at him and when Liv ran up I just I didn't want to explain it all. Why did he do it ash?" I felt his get tense when I told him, but he just made himself relax and rub my head.

"I'm so sorry Lola and he should be afraid. He's gonna get his ass kicked after school you  can't bet on that. He better hope that I can make sure that JJ doesn't find out though." He sighed and stood up, walking over to the door. "Layla can you come in here?" He came back and Layla followed.

"Come on babe. Up ya go, we gotta fix your runny make up. He doesn't get to see he broke you." I smiled and stood, letting her work her magic before we left the bathroom and headed to our lockers. I gathered my things and went about my day, by lunch time I was ready to go home. Everyone kept coming up asking if I was okay, saying this and that about the situation; it was just exhausting. I placed my books into my locker and headed off to get food before going to the tables outside. As I was walking with my tray, I heard a bunch of people gossiping on about how there was about to be a fight between Josh and JJ. 

"Shit." I muttered before taking off to see a huge crowd forming near Josh's lunch table. I dropped my try on the table noticing how everyone was just sitting there except Asher and JJ. "You guys just goin to sit there why JJ and my brother get expelled?!" I asked with my attitude very prominent. I turned on my heels heading into the middle of the group of people, I could hear my brother trying to talk JJ down but JJ continued to yell at Josh.

"You are so god damn stupid kid. You know that?! Did you think we really wouldn't find out huh?!" I saw JJ clench his fist. I ran up right infront of him wrapping my tiny hand around his fist. I could see a few teachers walking our way. JJ flinched but didn't look away from Josh. 

"JJ. Hey look at me." He just stared straight ahead. I put my hands on his face and pulled him down to look at me "JJ! He isn't worth it. You need to think this through, you have football and school to worry about. Not wasting your energy beating his ass. Please stop." I begged. I could feel the tension slowly leaving his body, but the anger still radiated off him. "JJ" He huffed and grabbed my hand dragging me to our table. 

"Im not not going to kick his ass you know." I sighed as we all sat down, JJ in a seat and me on the corner of the table next to him. I sighed.

"Yea I know, but at least wait until your off school property." He nodded and we went about our business until Jordan walked u with who I assume is the new kid.

"Meet the crew. This is Hadley, Leila, and up top Lola, JJ and Asher."

"Hey whats up? Spencer.

"Hey." JJ said 

"Hey." Everyone said.

"I think you and Asher play the same position." Jordan said to Spencer.

"Whats up, man?" Asher asked.

"Oh receiver huh?" Spencer asked

"Yeah, broke the school record for receptions last season."

"Me too." Spencer said. I can already see that this isn't going to go well.

"So how are you liking beverly so far?" Leila spoke up.

"Its OK, I guess."

"I know it probably feels like lost footage or rich kids from Instagram, but it's not so bad once you give it a chance." Leila said.

"I'm sure it'll grow on me." I could see the flirt and my brother could too. I don't think this kids made the connection that Leila is Ashers girlfriend.

"Hey so lay it on me. Crips or Bloods?" Oh shit. 

"Excuse me?" Spencer spun his head around.

"I'm dying to check out a Crip walk for real. I've only seen one on YouTube." Asher keeps opening his damn mouth. I love that boy, but he can be so stupid.

"Yo, yo, he just joking, man. Ignore him." Jordan tried to defuse the situation.

Asher, you wouldn't know a Crip walk if it bit you in the damn white ass." I hate to stifle my laughter. JJ is always doggin on him.

"That didn't sound like a joke to me, bro." Spencer stood up.

"Don't be so sensitive." I smacked my brother upside his head.

"Hey, yo, thanks for the welcome." Spencer walked off.

"Asher!" I yelled when Spencer was gone.

"What? I was just making conversation." He tried to defend his words.

"No. You were being an ass." Leila said getting up and walking off. Most likely to apologize for my idiot brother. I hoped up, telling everyone bye and following her. This is going to be a mess.

JJ Parker. My best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now