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I really want to turn around, but I can't. I feel stuck rooted here.

"Please just get away from me," I hear her beg behind me. She quickly walks around me so I'm finally able to see her.

He runs to catch up with her and tries to grab her hand. Instead she roughly snatches it from his grip. I can see the unshed tears waiting to fall from her sadden eyes. His face looks contorted in pain and regret.

"You need to listen to me," he pleaded to her.

"No, I trusted you. If you really loved me, why were you with her?" She whispers the last part while looking away from his gaze to the grass.

"It was a mistake. It really wasn't what it looked like and it just looked more than it really was," he tries to lift her chin to look at her. Instead she stubbornly refuses.

He drops his hand and heavily sighs. "Listen, I'm truly sorry. I do love you and you mean everything to me. I can't live without you, please look at me," he speaks so low and softly, I almost miss it.

She finally meets his gaze, sparking hope in his chest. What he sees though is the tears finally streaming across her face. "I think...I need to be left alone to think this over," she whispers so quietly, the breeze almost catches it.

He takes in a sharp intake of breath, "To think what over?" His voice cracks from emotion.

She looks away when she hears how heartbroken he sounds. "This relationship."

His face falls and sadness overtakes it, "But this isn't us breaking up, right?"

He tries to take a few steps towards her, but instead she backs away from him. Hurt crosses his features.

She bites her bottom lip and nods no. "I'll tell you when I'm ready to talk to you again, but for now we should stay away from each other."

"How long will that be," he questions, not wanting it to be too long.

"I don't know yet, but I need to leave. I"ll see you later." She faces away from him without waiting for a response and starts to slowly head back to her car.

He stands there looking at her retreating figure. When she's out of our sight, he brings his hands up into his hair. "Argh, I can't believe how stupid I am!"

I really wish I could comfort him, but I stay mute and still.

All his emotions seem to be mostly anger and sadness.

He stands in front of me.

I can see that his eyes are glassy and whatever he did, he seriously regrets it. He loves her so much, it must be killing him that she wants space from him.

Another angry cry comes out of his mouth and that's not the only thing that comes out. His fist flies and punches me in the side.

The loud thunk lets me know he hit pretty hard. I'm pretty sure it hurt his hand more than it did to me though.

My suspicion is proved correct watching him hastily cradle his hand. I know he only did this out of anger at himself instead of directly at me.

He looks at his hand then back to me and shakes his head. He turns back to the path that she walked and leaves me behind.

Left BehindWhere stories live. Discover now