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I see figures in the distance coming closer. This peaks my interest.

I haven't had human company since them.

These people are children. One a boy and one a girl. Both very young, but the boy seems to be older than the girl. They have the same shade of dark Hershey hair as each other.

Their cries of joy can be heard a mile away.

The boy is chasing the girl in a game of tag. The girl reaches me first and says, "This is glue so you can't get me."

The boy crosses his arms and huffs, "You cheated. You're not suppose to run until I say 'go'."

She sticks her little tongue at him, but her bright sapphire eyes are full of amusement.

Obviously not satisfied by her response he calls, "Mom! Dad!"

Two taller figures come behind them. I didn't notice them earlier.

The woman grabs the little boy and picks him up into her arms gracefully. With him situated in the crook of her arm, she turns to his pouting face.

"Aww Sam, you know Sage is just kidding. You both love each other very much. Right?"

Her eyebrows are raised with a look that just dared him to object.

He looked at the woman and knew there was no use arguing. Sighing, he mumbled, "Yeah mom. Sage is the best sister in the whole wide world."

You could hear all the sarcasm dripping off his words with the roll of his eyes. I wonder how he got that attitude at such a young age.

"And you son, are the most sincere boy in the whole world. I bet that every mother is dying to have," his mom pointedly said back.

Well I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

A deeper voice behind them says, "Come on you guys. We're here to visit an old friend."

The man and woman are very familiar along with their voices. It takes a couple more seconds to realize it's them!

The little girl, who I now know is Sage asks, "Why does your friend live in the middle of a field?"

He chuckles, "That's because our old friend is growing right here in the center of it."

Both Sam and Sage have equally confused faces when in sync say, "Huh?"

The mom smiles back at the two and tries to explain, "Well, this here tree that we're under, is the friend. Growing up as teenagers, your father and I have spent a lot of our earlier days here. So much that we consider this sycamore tree as a good friend to us. We haven't come to visit for years. We thought that we should visit here first thing since moving back here in our hometowns again."

The explanation brings wide smiles to all of their faces.

"Yep, if this tree could talk, I bet it would have quite a story to tell," he finishes for her.

He puts his arm around his wife while Sam and Sage both look up at me with silent admiration.

It's nice to know that after all these years they haven't forgotten me. I'm pretty sure that with them living in town again, I can see them more. I hope that I can also see Sam and Sage grow up like I did with their parents. They are so young, and I can see the similar features they've gotten from their mother and father.

The family situates themselves under my leafy branches for shade from the summer sun. The wind picks up and I make sure to situate my leaves to cover them.

Sam and Sage sit in front of their parents crossed legged, while my friends lean against me side by side with each other like they used to.

He pulls out his guitar, that looks the same from when he was a teenager, from a worn out looking case he brought with.

I haven't heard him sing any of his songs since many years ago. His last song was about how broken hearted he felt at the time. I'm glad to see that now they are happily together with a family of their own.

He tests his strings by strumming a bit. When satisfied, he starts to sing with a more matured voice than as a teenager. Looking directly into his wife's eyes, he starts to serenade her like he did years ago.

I remember what you wore on the first day

You came into my life and I thought hey

You know, this could be something

'Cause everything you do and words you say

You know that it all takes my breath away

And now I'm left with nothing

So maybe it's true that I can't live without you

And maybe two is better than one


Boys Like Girls: Two Is Better Than One (feat. Taylor Swift)

The End

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