I'm so stupid

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Ugh so today at school I was talking to my friend and I was actually happy. Until I turned round to go in to an (empty) classroom. There was a table with year 7's clay stuff on it and I caught my leg on it and tripped (but didn't completely fall over) and pulled the table. The art teacher who was standing in the corridor talking to a popular girl that hates me looked at me like she wanted to kill me and shouted something. I ran in to the classroom and I stated crying because it was so embarrassing. So I was sat there with my head in my hands and cried for about half an hour. It was horrible. I know I sound like a stupid crybaby, but messing up just makes me hate myself.
I did something stupid in front of quite a few people. I'm so stupid. I don't want to come in to school tommorow. I wish I was dead...

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