Its been what 3 decades since the last time I've seen max?I know for sure that has eatatict to see me. He let go of me and look in my eyes."What about the others!?Did you hear from them!?!" I could see the hope in her eyes."I asked the princible and she said that a angel named katherine,goes by Katie was enrolled here. Like how many angels are there named Katherine?""No one else but me"said Katie walking in the dorm,smiling at the site."Three down one more to go"I said looking at Katie and max.Katie walks strait to max giving him a tight squize with a look of joy on her face.max opens him mouth yo speak but Katie puts up her hand to silence him,then turns to look at me.max looks from Katie to me wearing a confused face,"no. We still have no word on him. But I have a feeling thing are gonna be alot better" I say crossing my arms.Just then a Joint bang came from the door leading into our dorm and it was the boys.As I look up I use my teleportation to catch my mothers portrait before it fell of the little shrine I made for her,The boys look frighten as hell whill max looks like he's seen a dead body."ARE YOU RESTARTED!?"I say Pissed off about the picture falling."WHAT THE HELL DID I SAY ABOUT SLAMMING THE GODDAMN DOOR!IF THAT PICTURE WOULD OF BROKE I WOULD OF KILLED YOU MY SELF!" pat chirps in as he mumbles under his breath"its just some dumb picture anyway. You couldve gotten another one".Hearing him say that made me so Pissed of,me horn s,wings and tail came out as I grew bigger and my voice grew louder and scarier to the point that I looked and sound like a devil(which I am). Max had this look on his face like he was gonna each person burn and Katie was mouthing the words:You fucked up real bad you dumbass."ITS NOT JUST SOME "DUMB PICTURE"YOU JACKASS!FOR YOUR INFORMATION THAT IS A PICTURE OF MY MOTHER OF WHOM I LOST TO YOU DISGUSTING MORTALS!IF IT WANT FOR MY MOTHER THIS WHOLE PLANET WOULD'VE BEEN DESTROID BY ALL THE HALFLINGS!MY MOTHER WAS THE ONLY THING IN THE UNIVERS THAT CARED FOR YOU MEER MORTALS OTHER THAN GOD SHE WAS ACUTALLY WILLING TO SAVE YOU SAVAGES!BECAUSE OF YOU DESCUSTING MORTALS SHE'S DEAD!!"tears started rolling down my cheeks and dried up by the time the reached my chin because of my heat."THAT PICTURE IS THE ONLY THING I HAVE LEFT OF HER!! "Just as I was about to smack pat with my collaso hand I felt max trying to hug me.I closed my eyes and started shrinking, in a matter of seconds I wasback in my werewolf form. I opened my eyes and said"just... Just be more careful you dumbasses"."we're sorry next time well be more careful".I gave them a hard look"you better be".
Przygodowethis story is about the life of eve and everything she goes through before she decides to be Queen of hell.