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Toby Curtis absolutely could not decide what he was more angry about. The fact that Walter hadn't credited the team for his success, or the fact that they had just been robbed.

In all honesty, it was probably both.


The team stood in the Mexican desert, feeling immensely sorry for themselves for a moment before they heard the loud roar of the motorcycle. Looking out in the distance, Toby saw an old, beat up, motorcycle ridden by a small figure in all black.

"Uh guys, we got more company!" He said.

They all looked up to see the figure approaching at an alarming speed.

"Not good!" Happy announced. Toby looked over at her, panic written across her gorgeous face.

"We can't outrun them!" Paige told them.

"Well, we can try!" Sylvester said, making a very slow break for it.

"That will be inefficient and waste our energy." Walter corrected, putting his 197 IQ up for display, per usual.

"Well then, what do got suggest that we do?" Toby snapped.

"Hide?" Sylvester asked.

"Hide where?" Happy replied incredulously, "We're in the desert."

"I'm sorry." The man said, his voice edging on hysteria. Toby rolled his eyes at his panicked friend.

"We could try to take them. Five on one, that's a pretty good match." Paige suggested, her voice oddly even for someone stranded in a wasteland, perhaps about to die.

"Not if they have a gun," Toby replied.

Unfortunately for the team, the motorcycle and its rider were getting closer. So close, in fact, that Toby could make out that the rider was about five foot and female.

"Not good!" Happy repeated. The person was a few feet away and not slowing down.

Then, the motorcycle stopped abruptly a foot away from Walter, who stood up straight and in a defensive position.

The woman took a gun from her belt and held it up to Sylvester's head. The poor man barely had time to react.

"All your money, or his life." A thickly accented voice commanded. The woman wrapped an arm around Sly's shoulders, drawing him near. "I don't miss."

Sylvester visibly shook with fear. "W-W-We don't have any money."

"What?" The woman demanded, pressing the gun harder against Sly's skull.

"We just got robbed like five minutes before you showed up." Toby filled in.

The woman's head turned as she examined each team members' face very closely. Finally, after what felt like forever, she groaned in annoyance and let Sly go. The woman released a string of curse words in Spanish. Toby knew most of them from his experiences in trying to get away with cussing all throughout elementary school. Like most kids, young Toby had gotten a sick thrill out of cursing in other languages on school grounds.

"Let me guess? A bunch of men with guns showed up in a van and stole all your money?" She asked.

Happy nodded, "Pretty much."

The woman shook her head, then removed her helmet. Without it, Toby could see that they had been nearly robbed at gunpoint by a girl who couldn't have been any older than fourteen, maybe fifteen.

The girl shook her head to get the black locks of hair out of her dark brown eyes. She looked at the team and rolled her eyes.

"What? Upset you were almost robbed by a kid?"

It's short, only 562 words, but it's a start!

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