Chapter 11

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Ian was quietly walking up behind Jarred. He hadn't seen him yet. Ian is right behind Jarred now. Ian is wearing something on his hand, it looks like a glove of some sort. Jarred turns around and grabs Ian by the neck.
"Ready to die Ian?"
Then, out of nowhere, Amy punches Jarred in the face. Jarred let's go of Ian, but Jarred comes to his senses and realizes that Amy betrayed him. Jarred points his gun at Amy, and fires. Not Ian is already moving, Ian runs and leaps into the bullets path. Lucky for Amy, she didn't receive a scratch. Ian on the other hand, he got a bullet in the chest. Amy rushes over to Ian's side.
"Please don't die," Amy pleads,"don't leave me." Jarred starts to reload, by I kick out his legs with my good leg, and then as he is falling, I kick him in the jaw, I think I killed him.
Amy gets out her phone and calls 911. 5 minutes later, they are here, and they are swarming us. A few of them put me on a stretch, a few cops put some handcuffs on Jarred and take off my handcuffs, and the rest of the people are putting Ian onto a stretcher and into an ambulance. The running is done, at least for now.

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