(Y/N) POV.

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Jane said things that made me feel loved. Things that made me happy, and I wanted to show her what she did to me. So I kissed her. When she didn’t respond I quickly pulled away. I walked back to my seat a little upset, and I felt like crying. She probably hates me. They all probably hate me now. I don’t want to be here. I want to go home.

Then all of a sudden they all had a look of agony. “(Y/N), stop such foolish thoughts. You can’t leave us.” Alec said sounding like he was in pain. “And why should I stay? Hm? Why?” He looked at me in shock “Do you not love us?” Demetri asked sounding worried, afraid, and pained. 

“Are you four idiots or something? Of course, I love you, but why should I stay if I do everything wrong?” “Is this about the night terror?” Felix asked, but before I could say anything Jane answered for me “No, it’s because I didn’t respond to the kiss. Am I right?” I didn’t trust my voice not to break so I just nodded. “(Y/N), I didn’t respond out of shock because I wasn’t expecting it.” At this, I felt a little stupid.

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