The Jeon Parents Cameback?

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It's the starting of the third month and Taehyung himself is in the living room laying on the couch, reading books about different types of mythical creatures like witches, werewolves, dragons, vampires (of course because why not), and more. By learning from reading of multiple books about mythical creatures, he can understand better what it means to be a creature from a tale or any case, in real life.

Jungkook came downstairs to see how his babysitter boyfriend was doing. Yes Taehyung is still babysitting, but he's babysitting his vampire boyfriend. It wasn't supposed to be like this at all until later on in the two months, they somehow got into a relationship not to long ago.

"Reading about us creatures I'm seeing." Jungkook sat next to Taehyung and leaned over on his shoulder on what he's reading now. It was about witches. "Did you know witches can look very pretty in parts of the country?"

Taehyung realized that he heard Jungkook's voice and shook his head because it didn't say anything in the book at all. "The most pretty ones would be here. If you saw them once, that make you their slave."

The slave part made Taehyung a bit worried on that, but hearing this information was nice to hear at least, or it would be bad for him then if that happens. "Also if you met a werewolf, they make you your wife or husband. Dragons can be very protective of anything or anyone that's very beautiful to keep in their dens."

"What about vampires?" A sly cheeky smile formed on Taehyung's lips to his vampire. He thought it was funny, so he giggled a little.

"Well love, vampires are the rulers of all creatures. We're the highest of them all. Don't get me started with werewolf and vampire history. Now that's in the books you can read." The vampire pointed at the vampire history books of war from way back where kings and queens ruled. That it started in Europe. "Wait, vampires and werewolves originated in Europe. So like you're part European?"

"Well I'm a quarter European. Mom is fully Korean and my dad is half European, so yeah." The boy was really intrigued from Jungkook and the books he was reading. New and old information travelling into his brain. He'll be the knowledge of mythical creatures soon. The first human to be have the most knowledge about these tales and myths.

Then they heard the front door unlock. The two walked out of the living room to see that Jungkook's parents are back already. They weren't supposed to come back until two more months. Jungkook and Taehyung were confused now. "Mom, dad?"

"Kookie I miss you so much my child." Mrs. Jeon hugged her son and gave lots of kisses to him, which Jungkook did not like since he's a grown ass adult for some centuries now. His mom still doesn't know that yet. "Mom quit it, my babysitter is still."

Mrs. Jeon stopped and saw that Taehyung looked different than before. "Oh yes I'm sorry dear. You look very pretty and I love the new hair." The boy's blood rushed up to his face to see him blushing at the compliment he's getting. "Umm thank you Mrs. Jeon. Jungkook and I went to the mall some days ago when this happened. Plus..." His vampire showed a signal of not saying anything about the piercings they got since Jungkook got a tongue piercing and possibly a navel piercing like him, but with a black jewel. They were matching since they are a couple. Taehyung didn't say anything after that.

Mr. Jeon was walking up to the babysitter giving out a hand for a shake. Taehyung did so and shook the dad's hand. "Did our son do anything wrong while we were away?"

"Well he's a handful for sure sir but it worked out though." A boxy smile of truth showed up and it made Jungkook's dad believe him. Jungkook then faked cough to get their attention and question his parents. "Why are you two back? We still have two more months."

"The thing is Kookie, we came back from our trip and well..." She looked at her husband with 'tell them yourself please' look. "Our trip ended a bit more earlier than expected. So that means your babysitter can earn the money and we can spend family time together son."

The vampire didn't like the idea at all, but he saw that Taehyung's bags were being carried by his mom when she walked upstairs to collect his love's things down. Then he saw the green paper of cash that was being handed from his dad. Which it was a lot of money for two whole months. "You can't do this."

"Sure we can son." Then with a blink of an eye. His Taehyung was gone. His sweet blood scent was thining out that he couldn't smell him anymore. Taehyung was officially gone and won't be seen again in this house with all the things they did together from the bad to good. "I'm going to my room and don't bother to come by."

Jungkook ran up the stairs with tears forming in his eyes and they started streaming down his face when he shut the door locked and laid face forward on his bed having his heart beating slower than ever. "Damn it all. My parents don't get it."

He sighed heavily and looked at the framed picture with his babysitter when they went to the mall. Well vampires aren't supposed to be able to have reflections or being able to be seen in pictures, but by drinking the blood of his lover. He was able to be seen in pictures.

"Kookie? Let mommy come in."

"Now way, you took the love of my life away. He's gone forever because you two didn't even let me tell you." His mom heard the tone of his son through the locked door. She was so sorry and then walked away to think that his son actually found happiness with his human babysitter. Just being away for two months was something and their own son didn't even say a thing about.

"Taehyung I miss you so much. I hope you'll be okay on your own without me."


Taehyung was walking for about 20 minutes and the sight of the Jeon residents was gone in his view. The man gave him a lot of money for lasting a long time. It was worth the time really. He did his job and gained what he earned. One thing was missing, it was the brat of that vampire.

The thoughts in his head played like a movie when he first arrived at the place when he saw Jungkook. Sure Jungkook was a brat and a vampire, but he changed the outlook of things while he was with him. The beginning was not on good terms for the first week, but through those two months. Jungkook was still a brat but less of a brat now. More caring.

Just the thought what happened during those months, it felt like they were fast for him. "I wish I could be with Jungkook a little longer." He sad into himself with a sigh occurred, and Taehyung kept walking on the concrete sidewalk.

Nothing munched happened during his walk to Jimin's place. It was just really quiet and the sun shining brightly. It's been a long time since he got to see his fairy friend face to face. "I'm almost to Jimin's place. I should text him just so he knows."

The boy could tell Jimin of how much he learned about different creatures from fairys to vampires. It would fun telling him old and new information from the books and also of course Jungkook.

Then a weird vibe came long like fog. There is actually fog around the boy. It felt like someone was watching him from behind, but Taehyung himself didn't know what was happening and he sent the text to Jimin.

When he did, a voice around him scared the living life out of him. Taehyung's eyes are looking everywhere from front, back, left, and right. His eyes couldn't see who it was because all he saw a black figure and he passed out with a wave of a wand from the figure.

"You look beautiful sweetie, I'll take you home to be a doll that I can dress you up."


Happy Birthday to our Winter Bear, our Scenery, Kim Taehyung. I hope he gets all the loving and eat lots of yummy food. ٩(ε)۶🎂💜

Also I think my writing changed a bit.

Don't you think that? Or no?

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