I want my Babysitter Back

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Taehyung couldn't believe with his eyes, Jungkook found him and his friend Jimin was there too. He felt safer that the two are around now. "Jungkook I-"

"Don't say anything and let me get rid of this game once and for all. Jimin you protect my babysitter boyfriend while I get these three off his back." Jimin nodded and made sure Taehyung was okay and not injured. He saw bruises and scrapes when his friend told him that he was running away from the others. It hurt the fairy a lot that his friend was endangered in the first place and should've kept a closer eye on him, but he didn't. He waved his hands and sparkling dust gently sprinkled on his bruises and scrapes.

"I'm sorry Taehyung, I should've kept you safe with me in the first place. When you told me Jungkook was a vampire, I didn't think twice." The scrapes and bruises were all gone now. Taehyung looked at Jimin with a friendly smile of forgiving his best friend. "Hey it's alright, you're still my best friend even after what happened with me and Jungkook."



Their friendship couldn't be broken because it was a bond that was built to be strong.

A thud was heard where they saw Jungkook on the ground, blood coming out of him, burns from fire, and fatigue from spell casting. Three against one wasn't fair at all and Taehyung heart dropped seeing the view of his love hurt. Jungkook groaned in pain but still getting up holding his side from the blow from Yoongi. "Huh I thought you blood thirsty vampires were the strongest, I guess history was damn wrong about that."

"As if you flea bag." Jungkook coughed up blood and wiped away the blood from the corner of his lips. "I'm not done with you yet, all three of you to be in fact. I want this game to end once and for all."

"I'm sorry sweetheart but the cute human is ours because you let him leave."

"Yep the witch is right. Give the human to us of I'll make you burn from my fire again."

Jungkook should've said something back then with his parents but he didn't. His head was starting to feel light headed of how much blood was loosing now even though he was vampire being weak.

"I'm loosing strength because I'm not drinking blood for a few days now." He murmured to himself and out of nowhere he got knocked out with a punch from Yoongi. Fear and shock travelled through Taehyung and his feet ran on their own to Jungkook.

"Jungkook!" he screamed out with sadness and fear of loosing the one he's been through with developing a feeling of love for the vampire. "You monsters! How can you do this? This game of having a human with no love? This is sickening to the core." Anger filled the air and Jimin never saw this side of Taehyung before. A side of anger and frustration to people or humanoid creatures.

"Taehyung. . ." Jimin quietly said with wide eyes.

"You monsters never learned the true meaning of love. All of you a pathetic really. A game to determine who is better? What's with you all?" The three was taken aback with surprise faces placed on them seeing how upset the human was with the vampire.

"Jimin protect us as much as possible." Jimin did as so and uses his fairy powers to make earth warriors from nature. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jin had to fight more and this time it was harder since the earth warriors are made from the ground of trees, rocks, plants of all kinds. While Taehyung was trying to wake up his love from unconsciousness, it didn't work so when he saw a pocket knife in Jungkook's pocket of his hoodie. He grabbed it and this was the only way to do it. By flipping the knife up, he cut himself making his blood slowly spill out of his arm letting Jungkook smell his sweet blood to wake him.

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