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I will use multiple handwriting.. They are the one👇

One : The one that a/n and the bold one
Two : The one that in cat's and dog's minds
There : The one that cat's and dog's say but all turned out to be 'meow' and 'woof'

And I will be using this too

☆☆☆ : Skips
* : A/n in the middle of story
Korean words : If you don't understand, you can ask / skip it

Hope you enjoy my story~♡

I can't tell you.. It is because I love you.. It will break my heart into pieces to tell you that I realise as soon as

fall in love with you, Y/n

The next day,

Jimin Pov

"Bip, bip, bip, bip, bip" It stopped when I pressed the button

"Bip, bip, bip, bip, bip" It stopped when I pressed the button

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I wake up and realised something

Maybe I should tell V about it since today is holiday..

I stood up hurrily and it made me fall down

"Bang!" A loud sound as I fall down

"Auch!! Seriously?!" I said angrily and walked out to find V

"V, where are you?!" I yelled loudly

I looked downstairs and saw him watching the TV... He didn't budge or to look at me

"야, V!! Why didn't you answer me??" I ran downstairs and stood in front of him

"야! Go away!! I am watching Extraordinary You right now" He shooed me away

"It's not important now.. I have a secret that I want to tell you" I said cheerfully

He looked at me with unsatisfied face and recorded the show

*Even a dog knew how to record

"What is it??" He asked while rolling his eyes

*Even a dog know to roll his eyes

"I-" I got cut off as I heard the doorbell rang

"Ding, dong" The sound from the door startled me

"Aishhh, such a bad timing" I sighed and walked to the door to open it up

I opened the door and didn't saw anyone there

"Aishhh, such a troublesome" I slammed the door and sighed

"야, Jimin!! Hurry up!! I want to watch Extraordinary You!!" He said angrily

"야! You shouldn't be angry with me!! You hosted yelled to the one who rang the doorbell" I yelled unbelievably

"Alright, 미안.. So, what is it??" He tilted his head to the side

Taehyung Pov


Triple update~♡

What do you think Jimin will say to Taehyung??


Please comment and vote for my story~♡


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